伦敦国际仲裁院(London Court of International Arbitration,简称LCIA)是世界领先的解决商事纠纷的国际仲裁机构之一,也是世界上最古老的仲裁机构。LCIA不仅具有悠久的历史、较高的仲裁质量和良好的国际声誉,而且在机构设置、适用法律、仲裁规则、国际合作等方面也颇有特色。近日,LCIA发布2020年版《仲裁规则》,对2014年版本《仲裁规则》进行了修订,并将于2020年10月1日起生效实施,这一修订对“一带一路”纠纷当事人产生了很大吸引力,也是国内仲裁机构借鉴学习的重要参考。
1. 仲裁申请
2. 答辩
3. LCIA仲裁院及书记员
4. 书面通讯及期限
5. 仲裁庭的组成
6. 仲裁员及当事人的国籍
7. 当事人及其他提名
8. 三方或三方以上当事人
22A. 命令合并/并行仲裁的权力
凡以书面形式(无论是否签署)作出或证明有书面形式的任何协议或提交仲裁或委托仲裁的协议以任何方式规定根据伦敦国际仲裁院(LCIA, the London Court of International Arbitration)、伦敦仲裁院(the London Court of Arbitration)或伦敦法院(theLondonCourt)的规则进行仲裁的,或由伦敦国际仲裁院、伦敦仲裁院或伦敦法院进行仲裁的,应视为当事人均已书面同意,双方之间的仲裁应按照LCIA规则或按照LCIA其后采纳并于仲裁开始之前已经生效的修订过的规则进行,且LCIA规则构成双方协议的一部分(统称“仲裁协议”)。本规则包括序言、条款和索引,以及本规则的附件和费用表,两者均可由LCIA随时另作修订(LCIA规则)。
第1条 仲裁申请
Article 1 Request for Arbitration
1.1 任何一方当事人拟按照本规则提请仲裁的(下称“申请人”),应向仲裁院书记员提交书面仲裁申请(下称“申请书”),申请书应包括或附载下列事项:
1.1 Any party wishing to commence arbitration under the LCIA Rules (the “Claimant") shall deliver to the Registrar of the LCIA Court (the “Registrar") a written request for arbitration (the “Request"), containing or accompanied by:
(i) the full name, nationality and all contact details (including email address, postal address and telephone number) of the Claimant for the purpose of receiving delivery of all documentation in the arbitration in accordance with Article 4; and the same particulars of the Claimant’s authorised representatives (if any) and of all other parties to the arbitration;
(ii) the full terms of the Arbitration Agreement (excepting the LCIA Rules) invoked by the Claimant to support its claim, together with a copy of any contractual or other documentation in which those terms are contained and to which the Claimant’s claim relates;
(iii) a statement briefly summarising the nature and circumstances of the dispute, its estimated monetary amount or value, the transaction(s) at issue and the claim advanced by the Claimant against any other party to the arbitration (each such other party being here separately described as a “Respondent");
(iv) 当事人已经书面同意的或仲裁申请人根据仲裁协议建议的任何关于仲裁程序事项(如仲裁地、仲裁语言、仲裁员人数、仲裁员的资格和身份)的陈述;
(iv) a statement of any procedural matters for the arbitration (such as the arbitral seat, the language(s) of the arbitration, the number of arbitrators, their qualifications and identities) upon which the parties have already agreed in writing or in respect of which the Claimant makes any proposal under the Arbitration Agreement;
(v) 如果仲裁协议(或任何其他书面协议)要求当事人以任何形式提名仲裁员的,应提供申请人提名仲裁员的全称、电子邮件地址、邮寄地址和联系电话;
(v) if the Arbitration Agreement (or any other written agreement) howsoever calls for any form of party nomination of arbitrators, the full name, email address, postal address and telephone number of the Claimant's nominee;
(vi) 确认费用表中规定的案件登记费已经或正在支付给LCIA,LCIA未实际收到该项费用的,应当视为仲裁申请未被书记员收悉且依据仲裁协议仲裁程序未启动;
(vi) confirmation that the registration fee prescribed in the Schedule of Costs has been or is being paid to the LCIA, without actual receipt of which the Request shall be treated by the Registrar as not having been delivered and the arbitration as not having been commenced under the Arbitration Agreement; and
(vii) 确认仲裁申请书副本(包括所有附件)已经或正在按照第4条规定以该确认书中具体指明的一种或多种方式向仲裁的所有其他当事人送达,并在当时或之后尽快提供符合LCIA仲裁院要求的实际送达的证明文件(包括送达日期),或不能按照仲裁院要求实际送达的,应提供任何关于其他有效通知形式的充分信息。
(vii) confirmation that copies of the Request (including all accompanying documents) have been or are being delivered to all other parties to the arbitration in accordance with Article 4 by one or more means to be identified specifically in such confirmation, to be supported then or as soon as possible thereafter by documentary proof satisfactory to the LCIA Court of actual delivery (including the date of delivery) or, if actual delivery is demonstrated to be impossible to the LCIA Court’s satisfaction, sufficient information as to any other effective form of notification.
1.2 申请人希望根据LCIA规则启动多个仲裁的(无论是针对一名或多名被申请人,或依据一个或多个仲裁协议),可就所有这些仲裁提交一个合并申请,但就每项仲裁而言,须按照LCIA仲裁院要求符合第1.1条之规定。特别是,在任何合并申请中,申请人必须分别确定争议中的估算货币金额或价值、争议交易,以及申请人在每项仲裁中对任何其他当事人提出的仲裁请求。由此提起的每项仲裁均应按照LCIA规则单独进行,除非LCIA仲裁院或仲裁庭另有决定。
1.2 A Claimant wishing to commence more than one arbitration under the LCIA Rules (whether against one or more Respondents and under one or more Arbitration Agreements) may serve a composite Request in respect of all such arbitrations, provided that the requirements of Article 1.1 are complied with to the satisfaction of the LCIA Court in respect of each arbitration. In particular, in any composite Request the Claimant must identify separately the estimated monetary amount or value in dispute, the transaction(s) at issue and the claim advanced by the Claimant against any other party in each arbitration.Each arbitration so commenced shall proceed separately and in accordance with the LCIA Rules, subject to the LCIA Court or the Arbitral Tribunal determining otherwise.
1.3 仲裁申请书(包括所有附件)应当根据第4.1条之规定以电子方式提交给书记员。
1.3 The Request (including all accompanying documents) shall be submitted to the Registrar in electronic form in accordance with Article 4.1.
1.4 如LCIA已收到仲裁登记费,则书记员收到以电子方式送达的申请书(包括所有附件)之日应视为仲裁启动之日(下称“启动日”)。如登记费是其后收到的,则仲裁启动日为LCIA实际收到登记费之日。
1.4 The arbitration shall be treated as having commenced for all purposes on the date upon which the Request (including all accompanying documents) is received electronically by the Registrar (the “Commencement Date”), provided that the LCIA has received the registration fee. Where the registration fee is received subsequently the Commencement Date will be the date of the LCIA’s actual receipt of the registration fee.
1.5 在启动日后仲裁庭组庭之前的任何时候,LCIA仲裁院可允许申请人补充、变更或修改其请求,以纠正任何计算错误、任何书写或印刷错误、任何歧义或任何类似性质的错误,但要提前给予当事各方合理机会陈述其观点,并依据LCIA仲裁院可以决定的条件。
1.5 At any time after the Commencement Date but prior to the appointment of the Arbitral Tribunal the LCIA Court may allow a Claimant to supplement, modify or amend its Request to correct any error in computation, any clerical or typographical error, any ambiguity or any mistake of a similar nature, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views and upon such terms as the LCIA Court may decide.
1.6 可以有一名或多名申请人(无论是否有共同代表);在此种情况下,如适当,“申请人”一词应根据仲裁协议做如此解释。
1.6 There maybe one or more Claimants (whether or not jointly represented); and in such event, where appropriate, the term “Claimant” shall be so interpreted under the Arbitration Agreement.
第2条 答辩
Article 2 Response
2.1 在仲裁启动日起28日内,或由LCIA仲裁院根据任何一方的申请或自行决定的较短或较长的期限内(根据第22.5条),被申请人应当向书记员提交一份对仲裁申请的书面答辩书(下称“答辩书”),其中应载有或附有:
2.1 Within 28 days of the Commencement Date, or such lesser or greater period to be determined by the LCIA Court upon application by any party or upon its own initiative (pursuant to Article 22.5), the Respondent shall deliver to the Registrar a written response to the Request (the “Response"), containing or accompanied by:
(i) the Respondent’s full name, nationality and all contact details (including email address, postal address and telephone number) for the purpose of receiving delivery of all documentation in the arbitration in accordance with Article 4 and the same particulars of its authorised representatives (if any);
(ii) 确认或否认申请人在仲裁申请中提出的全部或部分请求,包括申请人为支持其请求而援引的仲裁协议;
(ii) confirmation or denial of all or part of the claim advanced by the Claimant in the Request, including the Claimant’s invocation of the Arbitration Agreement in support of its claim;
(iii) 如果没有全部确认,则简述该争议的性质和案情、预估货币金额或价值、争议交易和被申请人提出的答辩,并陈述被申请人针对申请人提出的反请求以及针对其他被申请人提出的交叉请求;
(iii) if not full confirmation, a statement briefly summarising the nature and circumstances of the dispute, its estimated monetary amount or value, the transaction(s) at issue and the defence advanced by the Respondent, and also indicating any counterclaim advanced by the Respondent against any Claimant and any cross-claim against any other Respondent;
(iv) 针对根据第1.1(iv)条要求在申请书中所载列的关于仲裁程序事项的任何陈述的答辩,包括被申请人声明中有关仲裁地、仲裁语言、仲裁员数量、仲裁员资历和身份,以及当事人已经书面约定或被申请人根据仲裁协议就其提出建议的其他程序事项;
(iv) a response to any statement of procedural matters for the arbitration contained in the Request under Article 1.1(iv), including the Respondent’s own statement relating to the arbitral seat, the language(s) of the arbitration, the number of arbitrators, their qualifications and identities and any other procedural matter upon which the parties have already agreed in writing or in respect of which the Respondent makes any proposal under the Arbitration Agreement;
(v) 如果仲裁协议(或任何其他书面协议)要求当事人提名仲裁员,应提供被申请人提名仲裁员的全称、电子邮件地址、邮寄地址和联系电话;
(v) if the Arbitration Agreement (or any other written agreement) howsoever calls for party nomination of arbitrators, the full name, email address, postal address and telephone number of the Respondent's nominee; and
(vi) 确认答辩书副本(包括所有附件)已经或正在按照第4条规定以该确认书中具体指明的一种或多种方式向仲裁的所有其他当事人送达,并在当时或之后尽快提供符合LCIA仲裁院要求的实际送达的证明文件(包括送达日期),或不能按照LCIA仲裁院要求实际送达的,应提供任何关于其他有效通知形式的充分信息。
(vi) confirmation that copies of the Response (including all accompanying documents) have been or are being delivered to all other parties to the arbitration in accordance with Article 4 by one or more means of delivery to be identified specifically in such confirmation, to be supported then or as soon as possible thereafter by documentary proof satisfactory to the LCIA Court of actual delivery (including the date of delivery) or, if actual delivery is demonstrated to be impossible to the LCIA Court’s satisfaction, sufficient information as to any other effective form of notification.
2.2 如果仲裁申请是一个合并申请,被申请人可以就全部或任何仲裁提供一份合并答辩书,但对每项仲裁的答辩须依照LCIA仲裁院的要求符合第2.1条之规定。特别是,在任何合并答辩中,被申请人必须分别指明争议的预估货币金额或价值、争议交易以及被申请人针对仲裁任何其他当事人提出的答辩、反请求或交叉请求。
2.2 Where the Request is a composite Request, the Respondent may serve a composite Response in respect of all or any of the arbitrations, provided that the requirements of Article 2.1 are complied with to the satisfaction of the LCIA Court in respect of each arbitration to which the Response responds. In particular, in any composite Response the Respondent must identify separately the estimated monetary amount or value in dispute, the transaction(s) at issue and the defence, counterclaim or cross-claim advanced by the Respondent against any other party to each arbitration.
2.3 答辩书(包括所有附件)应按照第4.1条以电子形式提交给书记员。
2.3 The Response (including all accompanying documents) shall be submitted to the Registrar in electronic form in accordance with Article4.1.
2.4 未在送达答辩书的时间内或各方当事人商定的其他期限内提名或提议任何仲裁员候选人的,均构成不可撤销地放弃该当事人提名或提议任何仲裁员候选人的机会。未在期限内及时送达任何或任何部分答辩书,或根本未提交答辩书的,不应(自动)排除被申请人在仲裁中否认任何请求或提出任何答辩、反请求或交叉请求的权利。
2.4 Failure to nominate or propose any arbitrator candidate within the time for delivery of a Response or such other time period as is agreed by the parties shall constitute an irrevocable waiver of that party's opportunity to nominate or propose any arbitrator candidate. Failure to deliver any or any part of a Response within time or at all shall not (by itself) preclude the Respondent from denying any claim or from advancing any defence, counterclaim or cross-claim in the arbitration.
2.5 在不违反第2.4条的前提下,在仲裁庭组庭之前的任何时候,LCIA仲裁院可允许被申请人补充、变更或修改其答辩书,以纠正任何计算错误、任何书写或印刷错误、任何歧义或任何类似性质的错误,但要提前给予各方当事人合理机会陈述其观点,并依据LCIA仲裁院可以决定的条件。
2.5 Subject to Article 2.4, at any time prior to the appointment of the Arbitral Tribunal the LCIA Court may allow a party to supplement, modify or amend its Response to correct any error in computation, any clerical or typographical error, any ambiguity or any mistake of a similar nature, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views and upon such terms as the LCIA Court may decide.
2.6 可以有一名或多名被申请人(无论是否有共同代表);在此种情况下,如适当,“被申请人”一词应根据仲裁协议做如此解释。
2.6 There may be one or more Respondents (whether or not jointly represented); and in such event, where appropriate, the term “Respondent” shall be so interpreted under the Arbitration Agreement.
第3条 LCIA仲裁院及书记员
Article 3 LCIA Court and Registrar
3.1 仲裁协议下的LCIA仲裁院的职能应由LCIA仲裁院主席(或任何副主席、名誉副主席或前副主席)履行,或由LCIA仲裁院主席或任何副主席指定的三名或三名以上的LCIA仲裁院成员组成一个部门履行。
3.1 The functions of the LCIA Court under the Arbitration Agreement shall be performed in its name by the President of the LCIA Court (or any of its Vice Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents or former Vice Presidents) or by a division of three or more members of the LCIA Court appointed by its President or any Vice President (the “LCIA Court”).
3.2 仲裁协议下的书记员的职能应由书记员或任何副书记员在LCIA仲裁院的监督下履行。
3.2 The functions of the Registrar under the Arbitration Agreement shall be performed under the supervision of the LCIA Court by the Registrar or any deputy Registrar.
3.3 仲裁中任何一方当事人、当事人的授权代表、仲裁员、仲裁庭秘书或仲裁庭专家向LCIA仲裁院递交的所有通讯材料均应呈交书记员。任何一方当事人或其授权代表呈交给书记员的上述所有材料均应抄送给其他各方当事人。
3.3 All communications in the arbitration to the LCIA Court from any party, authorised representative of a party, arbitrator, tribunal secretary or expert to the Arbitral Tribunal shall be addressed to the Registrar. All such communications with the Registrar from any party or authorised representative of a party shall be copied to all other parties.
第4条 书面通讯及期限
Article 4 Written Communications and Periods of Time
4.1 申请人根据第1.3条提交的仲裁申请书和被申请人根据第2.3条提交的答辩书均应通过电子邮件或其他电子方式,包括经由通过LCIA运行的任何电子档案系统,以电子形式提交。以任何其他方式提交申请书或答辩书的,应事先得到代表LCIA仲裁院的书记员的书面批准。
4.1 The Claimant shall submit the Request under Article 1.3 and the Respondent the Response under Article 2.3 in electronic form, either by email or other electronic means including via any electronic filing system operated by the LCIA. Prior written approval should be sought from the Registrar, acting on behalf of the LCIA Court, to submit the Request or the Response by any alternative method.
4.2 除非得到仲裁庭或仲裁庭组庭前代表LCIA仲裁院的书记员的书面批准或指令,否则与仲裁有关的任何书面材料均应通过电子邮件或任何其他提供传输记录的电子通信方式提交。
4.2 Save with the prior written approval or direction of the Arbitral Tribunal, or, prior to the constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal, the Registrar acting on behalf of the LCIA Court, any written communication in relation to the arbitration shall be delivered by email or any other electronic means of communication that provides a record of its transmission.
4.3 以电子邮件或其他电子通讯方式交付的,交付应按照约定或一方当事人的指定,以便接收与仲裁协议有关的任何材料。以电子方式向该当事人送达的任何书面材料(包括申请书及答辩书),应视为该当事人已收到。如果没有上述约定或指定或仲裁庭的命令,但双方当事人在以前的交易中经常使用电子方式进行交付,则任何书面材料(包括申请书及答辩书)均可以通过该电子方式交付给一方当事人,并应视为该当事人已收到,但须向LCIA仲裁院或仲裁庭告知该当事人实际无法收到材料的理由,包括电子交付失败通知。尽管如此,LCIA仲裁院或仲裁庭仍可要求将任何书面材料以其认为合适的任何方式送达至当事人的任何地址。
4.3 Delivery by email or other electronic means of communication shall be as agreed or designated by a party for the purpose of receiving any communication in regard to the Arbitration Agreement. Any written communication (including the Request and Response) delivered to such party by that electronic means shall be treated as having been received by such party. In the absence of such agreement or designation or order by the Arbitral Tribunal, if delivery by electronic means has been regularly used in the parties’ previous dealings, any written communication (including the Request and Response) may be delivered to a party by that electronic means and shall be treated as having been received by such party, subject to the LCIA Court or the Arbitral Tribunal being informed of any reason why the communication will not actually be received by such party including electronic delivery failure notification. Notwithstanding the above, the LCIA Court or the Arbitral Tribunal may direct that any written communication be delivered to a party at any address and by any means it considers appropriate.
4.4 就确定期限开始的日期而言,除非仲裁庭或代表LCIA仲裁院的书记员另有要求,以电子方式发送的书面通讯应在发送之日视为一方已收到(时间根据收件人的时区确定)。如果根据第4条允许或命令以任何其他方式送达,书面通讯应在交付之日视为一方已收到(时间根据收件人的时区确定)。
4.4 For the purpose of determining the commencement of any timelimit, unless otherwise ordered by the Arbitral Tribunal or the Registrar acting on behalf of the LCIA Court, a written communication sent by electronic means shall be treated as having been received by a party on the day it is transmitted (such time to be determined by reference to the recipient’s time zone). If delivery by any other means is permitted or directed under this Article 4, a written communication shall be treated as having been received by a party on the day it is delivered (such time to be determined by reference to the recipient’s time zone).
4.5 就确定期限是否得到遵守,除非仲裁庭或代表LCIA仲裁院的书记员另有要求,如果在该期限届满之前或届满之日发送或交付,应视为一方已作出(时间根据寄件人的时区确定)。
4.5 For the purpose of determining compliance with a timelimit, unless otherwise ordered by the Arbitral Tribunal or the Registrar acting on behalf of the LCIA Court, a written communication shall be treated as having been made by a party if transmitted or delivered prior to or on the date of the expiration of the time limit (such time to be determined by reference to the sender’s time zone).
4.6 就计算期限而言,期限应在收件人收到书面通讯的次日起开始计算。如果这一期限的最后一天是收件人所在地(或适用时间计算的一方当事人所在地)的法定节假日或非营业日,则该期限应顺延至最后一天之后的第一个营业日。期限以内的法定节假日和非营业日包括于该期限的计算之内。
4.6 For the purpose of calculating a period of time, such period shall begin to run on the day following the day when a written communication is received by the addressee. If the last day of such period is an official holiday or non-business day at the place of that addressee (or the place of the party against whom the calculation of time applies), the period shall be extended until the first business day which follows that last day.Official holidays and non-business days occurring during the running of the period of time shall be included in calculating that period.
4.7 当事人一方变更其全称和联系方式(包括电子邮件地址、邮寄地址和联系电话)的,或其授权代表变更上述信息的,该当事人应在合理可行的情况下尽快通知书记员、仲裁庭和所有其他当事人。
4.7 A party shall inform the Registrar, the Arbitral Tribunal and all other parties as soon as reasonably practical of any changes to its full name and contact details (including email address, postal address and telephone number) or to those of its authorised representatives.
第5条 仲裁庭的组成
Article 5 Formation of Arbitral Tribunal
5.1 当事人之间关于申请书或答辩书是否充分的任何争议不影响LCIA仲裁院组成仲裁庭。申请书不完整或未提供答辩书、迟延提供答辩书或答辩书不完整的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。
5.1 The formation of the Arbitral Tribunal by the LCIA Court shall not be impeded by any controversy between the parties relating to the sufficiency of the Request or the Response. The LCIA Court may also proceed with the arbitration notwithstanding that the Request is incomplete or the Response is missing, late or incomplete.
5.2 “仲裁庭”一词包括独任仲裁员(如适当,包括紧急仲裁员),或多于一名仲裁员时包括全体仲裁员。
5.2 The expression the “Arbitral Tribunal” includes a sole arbitrator (including, where appropriate, an Emergency Arbitrator) or all the arbitrators where more than one.
5.3 所有仲裁员在任何时候都应保持公正且独立于当事人;任何仲裁员均不得在仲裁中充当任何当事人的辩护人或授权代表。任何仲裁员不得就争议或仲裁行为或结果为任何当事人提供建议。
5.3 All arbitrators shall be and remain at all times impartial and independent of the parties; and none shall act in the arbitration as advocate for or authorised representative of any party. No arbitrator shall give advice to any party on the parties’ dispute or the conduct or outcome of the arbitration.
5.4 在LCIA仲裁院任命之前,每位仲裁员候选人应给书记员(应书记员要求)提供其本人(过去及现在)的资格和专业职务的简要书面履历;候选人也应以书面形式同意符合仲裁费用表的收费标准;候选人应签署一份书面声明,说明:
5.4 Before appointment by the LCIA Court, each arbitrator candidate shall furnish to the Registrar (upon the latter’s request) a brief written summary of his or her qualifications and professional positions (past and present); the candidate shall also agree in writing fee rates conforming to the Schedule of Costs; the candidate shall sign a written declaration stating:
(i) whether there are any circumstances currently known to the candidate which are likely to give rise in the mind of any party to any justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality or independence and, if so, specifying in full such circumstances in the declaration; and
(ii) whether the candidate is ready, willing and able to devote sufficient time, diligence and industry to ensure the expeditious and efficient conduct of the arbitration. The candidate shall promptly furnish such agreement and declaration to the Registrar.
5.5 在仲裁最终结束前,每位仲裁员均应持续承担披露义务,在(根据第5.4条)提交书面声明之日后知悉存在可能引起任何一方当事人对其公正性或独立性产生合理怀疑的任何情况,应立即以书面形式披露并提交给LCIA仲裁院、仲裁庭的其他成员以及仲裁全体当事人。
5.5 Each arbitrator shall assume a continuing duty, until the arbitration is finally concluded, forthwith to disclose in writing any circumstances becoming known to that arbitrator after the date of his or her written declaration (under Article 5.4) which are likely to give rise in the mind of any party to any justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality or independence, to be delivered to the LCIA Court, any other members of the Arbitral Tribunal and all parties in the arbitration.
5.6 LCIA仲裁院应于书记员收到答辩书之后立即组成仲裁庭,如未收到答辩书的,则在仲裁启动日后28日(或根据第22.5条由LCIA仲裁院确定的其他较短或较长的期限)届满之后,立即组成仲裁庭。
5.6 The LCIA Court shall appoint the Arbitral Tribunal promptly following delivery to the Registrar of the Response or, if no Response is received, promptly after 28 days from the Commencement Date (or such other lesser or greater period to be determined by the LCIA Court pursuant to Article 22.5).
5.7 任何一方当事人或第三人无法根据仲裁协议指定仲裁员:只有LCIA仲裁院有权指定仲裁员(尽管考虑了各方当事人的任何书面协议或共同提名,或其他候选人或仲裁员的提名)
5.7 No party or third person may appoint any arbitrator under the Arbitration Agreement: the LCIA Court alone is empowered to appoint arbitrators (albeit taking into account any written agreement or joint nomination by the parties or nomination by the other candidates or arbitrators).
5.8 除非当事人另有书面约定,或者LCIA仲裁院依据案情确定组成三人仲裁庭是合适的(或在例外情况下,超过三人),否则应指定独任仲裁员。
5.8 A sole arbitrator shall be appointed unless the parties have agreed in writing otherwise or the LCIA Court determines that in the circumstances a three-member tribunal is appropriate (or, exceptionally, more than three).
5.9 LCIA仲裁院在指定仲裁员时,应对当事人书面协议的任何具体选择方法或标准予以适当考虑。LCIA仲裁院还应考虑有关争议交易、争议性质与案情、涉案金额或价值、当事人的地点和语言、当事人的数量,以及其认为与本案有关的所有其他因素。
5.9 The LCIA Court shall appoint arbitrators with due regard for any particular method or criteria of selection agreed in writing by the parties. The LCIA Court shall also take into account the transaction(s) at issue, the nature and circumstances of the dispute, its monetary amount or value, the location and languages of the parties, the number of parties and all other factors which it may consider relevant in the circumstances.
5.10 只有各方当事人以书面形式同意提名LCIA仲裁院主席为独任或首席仲裁员时,其才有资格被任命为仲裁员;LCIA仲裁院副主席和LCIA董事会主席(后者依职权是LCIA仲裁院成员)只有在任何一方当事人或各方当事人或其他候选人或仲裁员以书面形式提名的情况下才有资格被任命为仲裁员,但此类被提名人不得参与且此后不得参与LCIA仲裁院或LCIA与此仲裁有关的任何职能。
5.10 The President of the LCIA Court shall only be eligible to be appointed as an arbitrator if the parties agree in writing to nominate him or her as the sole or presiding arbitrator; and the Vice Presidents of the LCIA Court and the Chair of the LCIA Board of Directors (the latter being ex officio a member of the LCIA Court) shall only be eligible to be appointed as arbitrators if nominated in writing by a party or parties or by the other candidates or arbitrators – provided that no such nominee shall have taken or shall take thereafter any part in any function of the LCIA Court or LCIA relating to such arbitration.
第6条 仲裁员及当事人的国籍
Article 6 Nationality of Arbitrators and Parties
6.1 根据书记员的要求,各方当事人应将其国籍通知书记员和所有其他当事人。如果各方当事人国籍不同,独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员不得与任何一方当事人具有相同国籍,除非与仲裁员候选人国籍不同的各方当事人另有书面约定。
6.1 Upon request of the Registrar, the parties shall each inform the Registrar and all other parties of their nationality. Where the parties are of different nationalities, a sole arbitrator or the presiding arbitrator shall not have the same nationality as any party unless the parties who are not of the same nationality as the arbitrator candidate all agree in writing otherwise.
6.2 就第6.1条而言,自然人的国籍应按照公民身份认定,无论该身份是通过出生、移民或有关国家的其他要求获得的。法人的国籍应按照其成立并拥有有效管理所在地的司法管辖区认定。在一个司法管辖区注册但在另一个司法管辖区拥有有效管理所在地的法人应视为双重司法管辖区的国民。法人当事人的国籍应理解为包括其控股股东或控股权益人的国籍。
6.2 For the purposes of Article 6.1, in the case of a natural person, nationality shall mean citizenship, whether acquired by birth or naturalisation or other requirements of the nation concerned. In the case of a legal person, nationality shall mean the jurisdiction in which it is incorporated and has its seat of effective management. A legal person that is incorporated in one jurisdiction but has its seat of effective management in another shall be treated as a national of both jurisdictions. The nationality of a party that is a legal person shall be treated as including the nationalities of its controlling shareholders or interests.
6.3 同时为两个或两个以上国家的公民应视为每一国家的国民;欧洲联盟的公民应被视为其不同成员国的国民,而不应视为具有相同国籍;一国海外领土的公民应视为该领土的国民,而非该国的国民;在一国海外领土注册的法人应视为该领土的国民,而非(仅凭此事实)该国国民或在该国注册的法人。
6.3 A person who is a citizen of two or more States shall be treated as a national of each State; citizens of the European Union shall be treated as nationals of its different Member States and shall not be treated as having the same nationality; a citizen of a State’s overseas territory shall be treated as a national of that territory and not of that State; and a legal person incorporated in a State’s overseas territory shall be treated as such and not (by such fact alone) as a national of or a legal person incorporated in that State.
第7条 当事人及其它提名
Article 7 Party and Other Nominations
7.1 如果各方当事人已约定由其中一方或一方以上或由任何第三人指定任何仲裁员(而不是LCIA仲裁院),该协议就所有的目的而言,应视为提名仲裁员的协议。此类被提名人仅可以由LCIA仲裁院在其已符合第5.3-5.5条之规定的前提下指定为仲裁员;如果LCIA仲裁院确定被提名人不符合规定或存在其他不适格的情形,应拒绝指定其为仲裁员。
7.1 If the parties have agreed howsoever that any arbitrator is to be appointed by one or more of them or by any third person (other than the LCIA Court), that agreement shall be treated under the Arbitration Agreement as an agreement to nominate an arbitrator for all purposes. Such nominee may only be appointed by the LCIA Court as arbitrator subject to that nominee’s compliance with Articles 5.3 to 5.5; and the LCIA Court shall refuse to appoint any nominee if it determines that the nominee is not so compliant or is otherwise unsuitable.
7.2 如果各方当事人已经以任何方式协议由申请人、被申请人或任何第三人(而不是LCIA仲裁院)提名一名仲裁员,而该提名未在期限内(在申请书中、答辩书中或以其他方式)作出的,LCIA仲裁院可在没有提名的情况下指定仲裁员。LCIA仲裁院可以但没有义务考虑任何延误提名。
7.2 Where the parties have howsoever agreed that the Claimant or the Respondent or any third person (other than the LCIA Court) is to nominate an arbitrator and such nomination is not made within time (in the Request, Response or otherwise), the LCIA Court may appoint an arbitrator notwithstanding the absence of a nomination. The LCIA Court may, but shall not be obliged to, take into consideration any late nomination.
7.3 在当事人未达成书面协议的情况下,任何一方当事人不得单方面提名独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员。
7.3 In the absence of written agreement between the Parties, no party may unilaterally nominate a sole arbitrator or presiding arbitrator.
第8条 三方或三方以上当事人
Article 8 Three or More Parties
8.1 若仲裁协议赋予每一方当事人以任何方式提名一名仲裁员的权利,争议的当事人数量为两方以上且各方并未就争议当事人集体代表组成仲裁庭的两个单独的“当事人”(一方为申请人,另一方为被申请人,每一方提名一位单独的仲裁员)达成书面协议的,LCIA仲裁院应组成仲裁庭,且无需考虑任何一方当事人的权利和提名。
8.1 Where the Arbitration Agreement entitles each party howsoever to nominate an arbitrator, the parties to the dispute number more than two and such parties have not all agreed in writing that the disputant parties represent collectively two separate “sides” for the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal (as Claimants on one side and Respondents on the other side, each side nominating a single arbitrator), the LCIA Court shall appoint the Arbitral Tribunal without regard to any party's entitlement or nomination.
8.2 在此情况下,就所有目的而言,仲裁协议应被视为当事各方书面同意仲裁庭的提名与委任只能由LCIA仲裁院作出。
8.2 In such circumstances, the Arbitration Agreement shall be treated for all purposes as a written agreement by the parties for the nomination and appointment of the Arbitral Tribunal by the LCIA Court alone.
第9A条 快速组庭
Article 9A Expedited Formation of Arbitral Tribunal
9.1 如遇特别紧急情况,任何一方当事人可以向LCIA仲裁院申请根据第5条快速组成仲裁庭。
9.1 In the case of exceptional urgency, any party may apply to the LCIA Court for the expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal under Article 5.
9.2 此种申请应以书面方式通过电子形式向书记员提出,并将一份申请书(如由申请人撰写)副本或一份答辩书(如由被申请人撰写)副本一并发送,同时应将此种申请立即交付或通知所有其他仲裁当事人。该申请须阐明因特别紧急情况需要快速组成仲裁庭的具体理由。
9.2 Such an application shall be made to the Registrar in writing by electronic means, together with a copy of the Request (if made by a Claimant) or a copy of the Response (if made by a Respondent), and shall be delivered or notified forthwith to all other parties to the arbitration. The application shall set out the specific grounds for exceptional urgency requiring the expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal.
9.3 LCIA仲裁院应依据情形尽快对申请作出决定。如果申请得到批准,为了组成仲裁庭,LCIA仲裁院可以设定或缩短各方当事人之间的仲裁协议或其他协议中约定的任何时限(根据第22.5条)。
9.3 The LCIA Court shall determine the application as expeditiously as possible in the circumstances. If the application is granted, for the purpose of forming the Arbitral Tribunal the LCIA Court may set or abridge any period of time under the Arbitration Agreement or other agreement of the parties (pursuant to Article 22.5).
第9B条 紧急仲裁员
Article 9B Emergency Arbitrator
9.4 在始终遵守下文第9.16条的前提下,如果在仲裁庭组庭或快速组庭之前任何时候发生紧急情况(根据第5条或第9A条),任何一方当事人均可向LCIA仲裁院申请立即指定一名临时独任仲裁员在仲裁庭组庭或快速组庭期间进行紧急程序。(即“紧急仲裁员”)。
9.4 Subject always to Article 9.16 below, in the case of emergency at any time prior to the formation or expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal (under Articles 5 or 9A), any party may apply to the LCIA Court for the immediate appointment of a temporary sole arbitrator to conduct emergency proceedings pending the formation or expedited formation of the Arbitral Tribunal (the “Emergency Arbitrator”).
9.5 此种申请应以书面方式通过电子形式向书记员提出,并将一份申请书(如由申请人撰写)副本或一份答辩书(如由被申请人撰写)副本一并发送,同时应将此种申请立即交付或通知所有其他仲裁当事人。申请中应阐明下述内容,并包含所有相关证明材料:(i)在紧急情况下要求指定紧急仲裁员的具体理由;以及(ii)具体的紧急救济请求及其理由。申请须附有申请人的书面确认书,确认申请人根据第9B条已经或正在向LCIA支付特殊费用,若实际未收到费用,LCIA仲裁院将驳回该申请。特殊费用应按照仲裁费用表中的条款而定。仲裁费用表规定的特殊费用金额包含紧急仲裁员的费用和开支以及LCIA的行政管理费用和开支及LCIA仲裁院的额外费用(如有的话)。指定紧急仲裁员后,由申请人支付的特殊费用金额可由LCIA仲裁院按仲裁费用表增加。除仲裁费用表第5(vi)条另有规定外,第24条不适用于向LCIA支付的任何特殊费用。
9.5 Such an application shall be made to the Registrar in writing by electronic means, together with a copy of the Request (if made by a Claimant) or a copy of the Response (if made by a Respondent), delivered or notified forthwith to all other parties to the arbitration. The application shall set out, together with all relevant documentation: (i) the specific grounds for requiring, as an emergency, the appointment of an Emergency Arbitrator; and (ii) the specific claim, with reasons, for emergency relief. The application shall be accompanied by the applicant’s written confirmation that the applicant has paid or is paying to the LCIA the Special Fee under Article 9B, without actual receipt of which the application shall be dismissed by the LCIA Court. The Special Fee shall be subject to the terms of the Schedule of Costs. Its amount is prescribed in the Schedule, covering the fees and expenses of the Emergency Arbitrator and the administrative charges and expenses of the LCIA, with additional charges (if any) of the LCIA Court. After the appointment of the Emergency Arbitrator, the amount of the Special Fee payable by the applicant may be increased by the LCIA Court in accordance with the Schedule. Save as provided in Section 5(vi) of the Schedule of Costs, Article 24 shall not apply to any Special Fee paid to the LCIA.
9.6 LCIA仲裁院应依据情形尽快对申请做出决定。如果申请得到批准,在书记员收到申请三日内(或收到申请后尽可能快的)由LCIA仲裁院指定一名紧急仲裁员。第5.1条、第5.7条、第5.9条、第5.10条、第6条、第9C条、第10条及第16.2条(最后一句)应适用于此种指定。紧急仲裁员应遵守第5.3条、第5.4条以及(直到紧急程序最终结束)第5.5条的要求。
9.6 The LCIA Court shall determine the application as soon as possible in the circumstances. If the application is granted, an Emergency Arbitrator shall be appointed by the LCIA Court within three days of the Registrar’s receipt of the application (or as soon as possible thereafter). Articles 5.1,5.7, 5.9, 5.10, 6, 9C, 10 and 16.2 (last sentence) shall apply to such appointment. The Emergency Arbitrator shall comply with the requirements of Articles 5.3, 5.4 and (until the emergency proceedings are finally concluded) Article 5.5.
9.7 紧急仲裁员可以根据情况以其认为适当的任何方式进行紧急程序,需考虑此类紧急程序的性质、如有可能需向每一方提供就紧急救济请求进行咨询的机会(无论是否利用此机会)、紧急救济的请求和理由以及各方当事人进一步提交的材料(如有的话)。紧急仲裁员无须当面或通过会议电话、视频会议或使用其他通信技术与当事各方举行任何庭审,可依据现有材料决定紧急救济请求。如果进行的庭审可能包括几次阶段性审理(由紧急仲裁员决定),第16.3条、第19.2条、第19.3条及第19.4条予以适用。
9.7 The Emergency Arbitrator may conduct the emergency proceedings in any manner determined by the Emergency Arbitrator to be appropriate in the circumstances, taking account of the nature of such emergency proceedings, the need to afford to each party, if possible, an opportunity to be consulted on the claim for emergency relief (whether or not it avails itself of such opportunity), the claim and reasons for emergency relief and the parties’ further submissions (if any). The Emergency Arbitrator is not required to hold any hearing with the parties whether in person, or virtually by conference call, videoconference or using other communications technology and may decide the claim for emergency relief on available documentation. In the event of a hearing, which may consist of several part-hearings (as decided by the Emergency Arbitrator), Articles 16.3, 19.2,19.3 and 19.4 shall apply.
9.8 紧急仲裁员应尽快对紧急救济请求做出决定,不得晚于指定紧急仲裁员后14日。此期限只能由LCIA仲裁院在特殊情况下(根据第22.5条)或由紧急程序的所有当事人书面同意时方可延长。紧急仲裁员可以作出仲裁庭依据仲裁协议可能作出的任何命令或裁决;此外,紧急仲裁员可以作出任何命令将紧急救济请求的全部或任何部分的审议推迟到仲裁庭(组成后)进行的程序。
9.8 The Emergency Arbitrator shall decide the claim for emergency relief as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days following the Emergency Arbitrator’s appointment. This deadline may only be extended by the LCIA Court in exceptional circumstances (pursuant to Article 22.5) or by the written agreement of all parties to the emergency proceedings. The Emergency Arbitrator may make any order or award which the Arbitral Tribunal could make under the Arbitration Agreement; and, in addition, may make any order adjourning the consideration of all or any part of the claim for emergency relief to the proceedings conducted by the Arbitral Tribunal (when formed).
9.9 紧急仲裁员应以书面形式作出命令并说明理由。紧急仲裁员作出的裁决应符合第26.2条的规定,且一经作出,即根据第26.8条作为裁决生效(但须符合第9.11条和第9.12条之规定)。紧急仲裁员应对交付给书记员的任何命令或裁决负责,书记员也应迅速将该命令或裁决以电子形式发送给各方当事人。
9.9 An order of the Emergency Arbitrator shall be made in writing, with reasons. An award of the Emergency Arbitrator shall comply with Article 26.2 and, when made, take effect as an award under Article 26.8(subject to Articles 9.11 and 9.12). The Emergency Arbitrator shall be responsible for delivering any order or award to the Registrar, who shall transmit the same promptly to the parties by electronic means.
9.10 支付的特殊费用应根据第28.1条构成仲裁费用的一部分,其金额由LCIA仲裁院决定。紧急程序中由任何一方当事人产生的任何法律或其他费用应根据第28.3条构成法律费用的一部分。紧急仲裁员可以决定与紧急程序相关的法律费用金额、各方当事人应承担的法律费用比例以及紧急程序产生的仲裁费用。或者,紧急仲裁员也可以将紧急程序中的全部或部分费用的决定权留给仲裁庭。
9.10 The Special Fee paid shall form a part of the Arbitration Costs under Article 28.1, the amount of which shall be determined by the LCIA Court. Any legal or other expenses incurred by any party during the emergency proceedings shall form a part of the Legal Costs under Article 28.3. The Emergency Arbitrator may determine the amount of the Legal Costs relating to the emergency proceedings and the proportions in which the parties shall bear the Legal Costs and the Arbitration Costs of the emergency proceedings. Alternatively, the Emergency Arbitrator may leave such determination of all or part of the costs of the emergency proceedings to be decided by the Arbitral Tribunal.
9.11 仲裁庭可以依据任何一方当事人的申请或仲裁庭主动作出命令或裁决全部或部分确认、更改、终止或撤销紧急仲裁员作出的任何命令或裁决(除了将紧急救济请求的任何部分推迟到组成后的仲裁庭的任何命令)。
9.11 Any order or award of the Emergency Arbitrator (apart from any order adjourning to the Arbitral Tribunal, when formed, any part of the claim for emergency relief) may be confirmed, varied, discharged or revoked,in whole or in part, by order or award made by the Arbitral Tribunal upon application by any party or upon its own initiative.
9.12 仲裁庭组庭前,紧急仲裁员可以依据任何一方当事人的申请或主动作出下述行为:
9.12 Prior to the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, the Emergency Arbitrator may, upon application by any party or upon its own initiative:
(i) confirm, vary, discharge or revoke, in whole or in part,any order of the Emergency Arbitrator and/or issue an additional order;
(ii) correct any error in computation, any clerical or typographical error, any ambiguity or any mistake of a similar nature in any award of the Emergency Arbitrator; and/or
(iii) make an additional award as to any claim for emergency relief presented in the emergency proceedings but not decided in any award of the Emergency Arbitrator.
9.13 虽有第9B条之规定,仲裁庭组庭前,一方当事人可以向有管辖权的国家法院或其他法律机关申请任何临时措施或保全措施;第9B条不应被视为行使该权利的替代办法或替补办法。紧急程序期间,向该法院或法律机关提出的任何申请及其发出的任何命令应立即以书面形式通知紧急仲裁员、书记员及所有其他当事人。
9.13 Notwithstanding Article 9B, a party may apply to a competent state court or other legal authority for any interim or conservatory measures before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal; and Article 9B shall not be treated as an alternative to or substitute for the exercise of such right. During the emergency proceedings, any application to and any order by such court or authority shall be communicated promptly in writing to the Emergency Arbitrator, the Registrar and all other parties.
9.14 第3.3条、第4条、第13.1-13.4条、第14.1-14.2条、第14.5条、第14A条、第16条、第17条、第18条、第22.3-22.4条、第23条、第24A条、第25.1条、第25.3条、第28条、第29条、第30条、第30A条、第31条、第32条及附录应适用于紧急程序。除了这些条款和第9B条的明确规定以外,紧急仲裁员和紧急程序中的各方当事人也应遵循仲裁协议中的其他规定,同时认识到若干此类规定不能完全适用或适合于紧急程序。在有关情况下,LCIA仲裁院可以设定或缩短任何此类条款中规定的任何时限(根据第22.5条)。
9.14 Articles 3.3, 4, 13.1-13.4, 14.1-14.2, 14.5, 14A, 16, 17,18, 22.3-22.4, 23, 24A, 25.1, 25.3, 28, 29, 30, 30A, 31 and 32 and the Annex shall apply to emergency proceedings. In addition to the provisions expressly set out there and in this Article 9B, the Emergency Arbitrator and the parties to the emergency proceedings shall also be guided by other provisions of the Arbitration Agreement, whilst recognising that several such provisions may not be fully applicable or appropriate to emergency proceedings. Wherever relevant, the LCIA Court may set or abridge any period of time under any such provisions (pursuant to Article 22.5).
9.15 LCIA仲裁院有权酌情决定本规则第9B条中未明确规定的有关紧急程序管理的一切事项。
9.15 The LCIA Court shall have the power to decide, at its discretion, all matters relating to the administration of the emergency proceedings not expressly provided for in this Article 9B.
9.16 第9B条不适用于以下任一情况:(i)各方当事人已于2014年10月1日前订立仲裁协议且当事各方并未就“选择加入”第9B条达成书面协议;或(ii)各方当事人已在任何时候书面同意“选择退出”第9B条。
9.16 Article 9B shall not apply if either: (i) the parties have concluded their arbitration agreement before 1 October 2014 and the parties have not agreed in writing to ‘opt in’ to Article 9B; or (ii) the parties have agreed in writing at any time to ‘opt out’ of Article 9B.
第9C条 快速委任替换仲裁员
Article 9C Expedited Appointment of Replacement Arbitrator
9.17 任何一方当事人均可以依据第11条向LCIA仲裁院申请快速委任替换仲裁员。
9.17 Any party may apply to the LCIA Court to expedite the appointment of a replacement arbitrator under Article 11.
9.18 此种申请应以书面方式通过电子形式向书记员提出,并立即交付或通知所有其他仲裁当事人;并且申请中应说明请求快速委任替换仲裁员的具体理由。
9.18 Such an application shall be made in writing to the Registrar by electronic means, delivered or notified forthwith to all other parties to the arbitration; and it shall set out the specific grounds requiring the expedited appointment of the replacement arbitrator.
9.19 LCIA仲裁院应依据情形尽快对申请作出决定。如果申请得到批准,为了快速委任替换仲裁员,LCIA仲裁院可以设定或缩短各方当事人之间的仲裁协议或任何其他协议中约定的任何时限(根据第22.5条)。
9.19 The LCIA Court shall determine the application as expeditiously as possible in the circumstances. If the application is granted, for the purpose of expediting the appointment of the replacement arbitrator the LCIA Court may set or abridge any period of time in the Arbitration Agreement or any other agreement of the parties (pursuant to Article 22.5).
第10条 撤销及异议
Article 10 Revocation and Challenges
10.1 如果(i)任何仲裁员向LCIA仲裁院发出书面通知拟辞去仲裁员一职,且将副本抄送所有当事人及所有其他仲裁庭成员(如有的话);(ii)任何仲裁员严重染
10.1 The LCIA Court may revoke any arbitrator’s appointment upon its own initiative, at the written request of all other members of the Arbitral Tribunal or upon a written challenge by any party if: (i) that arbitrator gives written notice to the LCIA Court of his or her intent to resign as arbitrator, to be copied to all parties and all other members of the Arbitral Tribunal (if any); (ii) that arbitrator falls seriously ill, refuses or becomes unable or unfit to act; or (iii) circumstances exist that give rise to justifiable doubts as to that arbitrator’s impartiality or independence.
10.2 如果任何仲裁员(i)故意违反仲裁协议;(ii)未能在各方当事人之间处事公平公正;或(iii)未能合理高效、尽职尽责地进行仲裁或参与仲裁,LCIA仲裁院可以根据第10.1条决定该仲裁员不能胜任仲裁员一职。
10.2 The LCIA Court may determine that an arbitrator is unfit to act under Article 10.1 if that arbitrator: (i) acts in deliberate violation of the Arbitration Agreement; (ii) does not act fairly or impartially as between the parties; or (iii) does not conduct or participate in the arbitration with reasonable efficiency, diligence and industry.
10.3 一方当事人依据第10.1条对仲裁员提出异议,应于仲裁庭组庭后14天内或(如在其后)在得知第10.1条或第10.2条所述的任何理由后14天内,向LCIA仲裁院、仲裁庭及所有其他当事人以书面形式陈述其异议理由。一方当事人只能以LCIA仲裁院委任仲裁员后其才得知的异议理由为由对其提名或参与指定的仲裁员提出异议。
10.3 A party challenging an arbitrator under Article 10.1 shall, within 14 days of the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal or (if later) within 14 days of becoming aware of any grounds described in Article 10.1 or 10.2, deliver a written statement of the reasons for its challenge to the LCIA Court, the Arbitral Tribunal and all other parties. A party may challenge an arbitrator whom it has nominated, or in whose appointment it has participated,only for reasons of which it becomes aware after the appointment has been made by the LCIA Court.
10.4 所有其他当事人收到书面异议书14天内书面同意该异议的,LCIA仲裁院应(无理由)撤销对该仲裁员的委任。
10.4 If all other parties agree in writing to the challenge within 14 days of receipt of the written statement, the LCIA Court shall revoke that arbitrator’s appointment (without reasons).
10.5 除非各方当事人同意或受异议的仲裁员在收到书面异议书14天内提出书面辞职,LCIA仲裁院应对此异议作出决定。LCIA仲裁院可以以任何其认为适合于当下情形的方式进行异议程序,但在任何情况下都应向其他当事人及受异议的仲裁员提供合理机会对异议方的书面异议发表意见。LCIA仲裁院可以在任何时候要求异议方、受异议的仲裁员、其他当事人、任何一方的授权代表、其他仲裁庭成员及仲裁庭秘书(如有的话)提供更多的信息和材料。
10.5 Unless the parties so agree or the challenged arbitrator resigns in writing within 14 days of receipt of the written statement, the LCIA Court shall decide the challenge. The LCIA Court may conduct the challenge proceedings in any manner it considers to be appropriate in the circumstances but shall in any event provide the other parties and the challenged arbitrator a reasonable opportunity to comment on the challenging party’s written statement. The LCIA Court may require at any time further information and materials from the challenging party, the challenged arbitrator, other parties, any authorised representative of a party, other members of the Arbitral Tribunal and the tribunal secretary (if any).
10.6 LCIA仲裁院的决定应以书面形式作出,并附具理由;书记员应将副本传送至各方当事人、受异议的仲裁员及其他仲裁庭成员(如有的话)。若该异议通过,LCIA仲裁院应撤销对该仲裁员的委任。受异议的仲裁员在LCIA仲裁院作出决定之前以书面形式辞职的,不应视为其承认书面异议书的任何部分。
10.6 The LCIA Court’s decision shall be made in writing, with reasons; and a copy shall be transmitted by the Registrar to the parties, the challenged arbitrator and other members of the Arbitral Tribunal (if any). If the challenge is upheld, the LCIA Court shall revoke that arbitrator’s appointment. A challenged arbitrator who resigns in writing prior to the LCIA Court’s decision shall not be considered as having admitted any part of the written statement.
10.7 LCIA仲裁院应在其认为合适的情况下,决定就该前仲裁员提供的服务所应支付的费用和开支金额(如有的话)。LCIA仲裁院同样也可以决定任何一方是否应承担异议产生的全部或任何部分费用、支付的金额及支付对象;LCIA仲裁院也可以根据第28条将该费用的全部或任何部分留待仲裁庭和/或LCIA仲裁院日后作出决定。
10.7 The LCIA Court shall determine the amount of fees and expenses (if any) to be paid for the former arbitrator's services, as it may consider appropriate in the circumstances. The LCIA Court may also determine whether, in what amount and to whom any party should pay all or any part of the costs of the challenge; and the LCIA Court may also refer all or any part of such costs to the later decision of the Arbitral Tribunal and/or the LCIA Court under Article 28.
第11条 提名及替换
Article 11 Nomination and Replacement
11.1 如果LCIA仲裁院对任何仲裁员候选人的适合性、独立性或公正性存在合理怀疑,或如果提名仲裁员拒绝担任该职,或如果某仲裁员因任何原因被替换,LCIA仲裁院可以决定对于该仲裁委任是否继续遵循初始提名程序。
11.1 In the event that the LCIA Court determines that justifiable doubts exist as to any arbitrator candidate’s suitability, independence or impartiality, or if a nominee declines appointment as arbitrator, or if an arbitrator is to be replaced for any reason, the LCIA Court may determine whether or not to follow the original nominating process for such arbitral appointment.
11.2 若一方当事人未在14天内(或LCIA仲裁院可决定更短或更长的时限内)行使其重新提名的任何机会(根据仲裁协议或其他协议),LCIA仲裁院可以决定该方已放弃该机会,其后应由LCIA仲裁院委任替换仲裁员,无须此种重新提名。
11.2 The LCIA Court may determine that any opportunity given to a party to make any re- nomination (under the Arbitration Agreement or otherwise) shall be waived if not exercised within 14 days (or such lesser or greater time as the LCIA Court may determine), after which the LCIA Court shall appoint the replacement arbitrator without such re-nomination.
11.3 除作出的任何裁决,仲裁庭(重组后)应决定是否且在多大程度上之前的仲裁
11.3 Save for any award rendered, the Arbitral Tribunal (when reconstituted) shall determine whether, and if so to what extent, the previous proceedings in the arbitration shall stand.
第12条 继续审议的多数权
Article 12 Majority Power to Continue Deliberations
12.1 若某位仲裁员无合理理由拒绝参加或持续不参加仲裁庭审议,则其余仲裁员可以就该拒绝或未参加审议共同向LCIA仲裁院、各方当事人及该缺席仲裁员发送书面通知。如遇特殊情况,即使该仲裁员缺席,其余仲裁员仍可以决定继续进行仲裁(包括作出任何裁决),但须经LCIA仲裁院书面批准。
12.1 Where an arbitrator without good cause refuses or persistently fails to participate in the deliberations of an Arbitral Tribunal, the remaining arbitrators jointly may give written notice of such refusal or failure to the LCIA Court, the parties and the absent arbitrator. In exceptional circumstances, the remaining arbitrators may decide to continue the arbitration (including the making of any award) notwithstanding the absence of that other arbitrator, subject to the written approval of the LCIA Court.
12.2 在决定是否继续进行仲裁的过程中,其余仲裁员应考虑仲裁所处阶段、由该缺席仲裁员或其代表人就其拒绝或未参加审议所作的任何解释、对仲裁地作出的任何裁决的法律承认或执行可能产生的影响、以及其余仲裁员认为在当时情况下适当的其他事项。在缺席仲裁员未参与的情况下,其余仲裁员作出的任何裁决书均应说明作出该决定的理由。
12.2 In deciding whether to continue the arbitration, the remaining arbitrators shall take into account the stage of the arbitration, any explanation made by or on behalf of the absent arbitrator for his or her refusal or failure to participate, the likely effect upon the legal recognition or enforceability of any award at the seat of the arbitration and such other matters as they consider appropriate in the circumstances. The reasons for such decision shall be stated in any award made by the remaining arbitrators without the participation of the absent arbitrator.
12.3 如果其余仲裁员就此种拒绝或未参加审议发送书面通知后,在缺席仲裁员不参与的情况下随时决定不继续进行仲裁的,其余仲裁员应将该决定书面通知各方当事人及LCIA仲裁院;在此情况下,其余仲裁员或任何一方当事人均可以根据第10条和第11条之规定将该事宜提交LCIA仲裁院,请求撤销对该缺席仲裁员的委任并委任一位替换仲裁员。
12.3 In the event that the remaining arbitrators decide at any time after giving written notice of such refusal or failure not to continue the arbitration without the participation of the absent arbitrator, the remaining arbitrators shall notify in writing the parties and the LCIA Court of such decision; and, in that event, the remaining arbitrators or any party may referthe matter to the LCIA Court for the revocation of the absent arbitrator's appointment and the appointment of a replacement arbitrator under Articles 10 and 11.
第13条 当事人与仲裁庭之间的通讯
Article 13 Communications between Parties and Arbitral Tribunal
13.1 仲裁庭组庭后,所有通讯应直接在各方当事人与仲裁庭之间进行(同时抄送书记员),除非仲裁庭决定应该继续通过书记员进行通讯。
13.1 Following the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, all communications shall take place directly between the Arbitral Tribunal and the parties (to be copied to the Registrar), unless the Arbitral Tribunal decides that communications should continue to be made through the Registrar.
13.2 如果书记员代表仲裁庭或LCIA仲裁院向一方当事人发送任何书面通讯,书记员应向其他当事人各发送一份副本。
13.2 Where the Registrar sends any written communication to one party on behalf of the Arbitral Tribunal or the LCIA Court, he or she shall send a copy to each of the other parties.
13.3 如果任何一方当事人向仲裁庭发送任何通讯(包括第15条列明的书面陈述和文件),其应向每位仲裁员、所有其他当事人及书记员各发送一份副本;且应向仲裁庭书面确认其已经或正在发送该等副本。
13.3 Where any party delivers to the Arbitral Tribunal any communication (including statements and documents under Article 15) it shall deliver a copy to each arbitrator, all other parties and the Registrar; and it shall confirm to the Arbitral Tribunal in writing that it has done or is doing so.
13.4 仲裁程序进行期间,任何一方当事人不得故意或试图就仲裁或当事各方的争议向行使任何仲裁相关职能的LCIA仲裁院的任何成员发起单方面接触,或仲裁庭组成后向任何仲裁庭成员或仲裁庭秘书(如有的话)发起单方面接触,除非该接触发生之前或发生不久后向所有其他各方当事人、所有仲裁庭成员及书记员进行书面披露。尽管有第3.3条之规定,一方当事人可以与书记员就行政事宜进行单方面接触。
13.4 During the arbitration proceedings, no party shall deliberately initiate or attempt to initiate any unilateral contact relating to the arbitration or the parties’ dispute with any member of the LCIA Court exercising any function in regard to the arbitration or, from the Arbitral Tribunal’s formation onwards, any member of the Arbitral Tribunal or the tribunal secretary (if any), which has not been disclosed in writing prior to or shortly after the time of such contact to all other parties, all members of the Arbitral Tribunal and the Registrar. Notwithstanding Article 3.3, a party may, however, have unilateral contact with the Registrar regarding administrative matters.
13.5 仲裁庭组庭前,除非各方当事人另有书面同意,被要求参与竞选首席仲裁员的任何仲裁员、仲裁员候选人或提名仲裁员可以咨询任何一方当事人,以获得该方当事人对于任何仲裁员候选人或提名仲裁员作为首席仲裁员是否合适的看法,但条件是该仲裁员、仲裁员候选人或提名仲裁员立即将此种咨询通知参与竞选程序的任何其他仲裁员、仲裁员候选人或提名仲裁员以及书记员。
13.5 Prior to the Arbitral Tribunal’s formation,unless the parties agree otherwise in writing, any arbitrator, candidate or nominee who is required to participate in the selection of a presiding arbitrator may consult any party in order to obtain the views of that party as to the suitability of any candidate or nominee as presiding arbitrator, provided that such arbitrator, candidate or nominee promptly informs any other arbitrator, candidate or nominee involved in the selection process and the Registrar of such consultation.
第14条 仲裁程序的进行
Article 14 Conduct of Proceedings
14.1 根据仲裁协议,仲裁庭在仲裁期间的基本职责应包括:
14.1 Under the Arbitration Agreement, the Arbitral Tribunal’s general duties at all times during the arbitration shall include:
(i) a duty to act fairly and impartially as between all parties, giving each a reasonable opportunity of putting its case and dealing with that of its opponent(s); and
(ii) a duty to adopt procedures suitable to the circumstances of the arbitration, avoiding unnecessary delay and expense, so as to provide a fair, efficient and expeditious means for the final resolution of the parties' dispute.
14.2 仲裁庭应具有最大裁量权履行上述基本职责,但不得违反任何适用法或任何仲裁庭可以决定适用的法律规则的强制性规定;各方当事人应始终本着诚信善意原则采取一切必要行动以便公正、高效、快速地进行仲裁,包括仲裁庭履行其基本职责。
14.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the widest discretion to discharge these general duties, subject to the mandatory provisions of any applicable law or any rules of law the Arbitral Tribunal may decide to be applicable; and at all times the parties shall do everything necessary in good faith for the fair, efficient and expeditious conduct of the arbitration, including the Arbitral Tribunal’s discharge of its general duty.
14.3 自收到书记员就仲裁庭组庭的书面通知后21日内,各方当事人与仲裁庭应尽快进行切实可行的接触(通过当面开庭审理、或通过电话会议、视频会议或使用其他通讯技术等非面对面的方式审理、或通过信件往来)。
14.3 The parties and the Arbitral Tribunal shall make contact (whether by a hearing in person or virtually by conference call, videoconference or using other communications technology or exchange of correspondence) as soon as practicable but no later than 21 days from receipt of the Registrar’s written notification of the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal.
14.4 各方当事人可以就进行仲裁的共同提议达成协议,交由仲裁庭审议。
14.4 The parties may agree on joint proposals for the conduct of their arbitration for consideration by the Arbitral Tribunal.
14.5 在不损害仲裁庭一般性自由裁量权的情况下,给予各方当事人合理机会陈述其观点后,仲裁庭可以根据LCIA规则就公正、高效、快速进行仲裁作出其认为适当的任何程序命令。
14.5 Without prejudice to the generality of the Arbitral Tribunal’s discretion, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views, the Arbitral Tribunal may, subject to the LCIA Rules, make any procedural order it considers appropriate with regard to the fair, efficient and expeditious conduct of the arbitration.
14.6 根据第14.5条之规定,仲裁庭的权力包括通过下述方式作出任何程序性命令以加快仲裁中采用的程序进程:
14.6 The Arbitral Tribunal’s power under Article 14.5 includes the making of any procedural order with a view to expediting the procedure to be adopted in the arbitration by:
(i) limiting the length or content of, or dispensing with, any written statement to be delivered under Article 15;
(ii) limiting the written and oral testimony of any witness in accordance with Article 20.4;
(iii) employing technology to enhance the efficiency and expeditious conduct of the arbitration (including any hearing);
(iv) deciding the stage of the arbitration at which any issue or issues shall be determined,and in what order, in accordance with Article 22.1(vii) below;
(v) dispensing with a hearing, subject always to Article 19;
(vi) exercising its powers of Early Determination under Article 22.1(viii);
(vii) setting an appropriate period of time for any stage of, or step to be taken in, the arbitration including with regard to the conduct of any hearing;
(viii) abridging any period of time in accordance with Article 22.1(ii); and
(ix) making any other order that the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate in the circumstances of the arbitration.
14.7 当仲裁庭为非独任仲裁员时,经其他仲裁庭成员及所有各方当事人事先同意,首席仲裁员可以单独作出程序性决定。
14.7 In the case of an Arbitral Tribunal other than a sole arbitrator, the presiding arbitrator, with the prior agreement of its other members and all parties, may make procedural decisions alone.
第14A条 仲裁庭秘书
Article 14A Tribunal Secretary
14.8 在不违反第14.9-14.15条及任何适用法的情况下,仲裁庭可以就仲裁事宜获得仲裁庭秘书的协助。仲裁庭在任何情况下都不能将其决策职能授权于某个仲裁庭秘书。仲裁庭秘书的所有任务应代表仲裁庭执行且受仲裁庭监督,仲裁庭有责任确保所有任务按照LCIA规则所要求的标准执行。
14.8 Subject to Articles 14.9 to 14.15, and to any applicable law, an Arbitral Tribunal may obtain assistance from a tribunal secretary in relation to an arbitration.Under no circumstances may an Arbitral Tribunal delegate its decision-making function to a tribunal secretary. All tasks carried out by a tribunal secretary shall be carried out on behalf of, and under the supervision of, the Arbitral Tribunal which shall retain its responsibility to ensure that all tasks are performed to the standard required by the LCIA Rules.
14.9 在协助仲裁庭之前,每位仲裁庭秘书候选人应签署一份书面声明:(i)候选人目前所知悉的任何情况是否有可能使任何一方当事人对其公正性或独立性产生任何合理怀疑,如有,则须在声明中详尽阐明该等情况;且(ii)候选人是否准备、愿意并能够投入足够的时间尽职尽责,确保迅速有效地执行应由仲裁庭秘书执行的任务。候选人应立即向仲裁庭和书记员提交此种书面声明。
14.9 Before assisting an Arbitral Tribunal, each tribunal secretary candidate shall sign a written declaration stating: (i) whether there are any circumstances currently known to the candidate which are likely to give rise in the mind of any party to any justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality or independence and, if so, specifying in full such circumstances in the declaration; and (ii) whetherthe candidate is ready, willing and able to devote sufficient time, diligence and industry to ensure the expeditious and efficient conduct of the tasks to be performed by the tribunal secretary. The candidate shall furnish promptly such written declaration to the Arbitral Tribunal and to the Registrar.
14.10 仲裁庭只有在仲裁庭秘书得到所有各方当事人批准后才能获得其协助。仲裁庭秘书的批准条件为:
14.10 An Arbitral Tribunal may only obtain assistance from a tribunal secretary once the tribunal secretary has been approved by all parties. A tribunal secretary is approved once:
(i) the parties have agreed the tasks that may be carried out by the tribunal secretary;
(ii) if an hourly rate is to be charged and the tribunal secretary is to beentitled to have expenses reimbursed, the parties have agreed to this hourlyrate and entitlement to reimbursement;
(iii) the written declaration referred to in Article 14.9 has been provided to the parties; and
(iv) the parties have agreed to the particular person filling the role of tribunal secretary.
14.11 如果仲裁庭秘书需承担第14.10(i)条所商定的附加任务,或仲裁庭秘书的小时费用需增加的,仲裁庭必须事先获得所有各方当事人的同意。
14.11 If additional tasks to those agreed under Article 14.10(i) are to be undertaken by the tribunal secretary, or the hourly rate to be charged by the tribuna lsecretary is to increase, the Arbitral Tribunal must obtain prior agreement from all parties.
14.12 如果一方当事人未在仲裁庭规定的合理时限内提出异议,则该当事人将被视为同意第14.10条及第14.11条所列事项。
14.12 A party will be deemed to have agreed to the matters set out in Articles 14.10 and 14.11 if that party has not objected within such reasonable time as is set by the Arbitral Tribunal.
14.13 仲裁庭秘书收取的任何费用或需为其报销的任何花费应构成根据第28.1条LCIA仲裁院确定的仲裁费用(就仲裁费用金额而言)的一部分。
14.13 Any fees charged by, or expenses reimbursed to, a tribunal secretary shall form a part of the Arbitration Costs determined by the LCIA Court (as to the amount of Arbitration Costs) under Article 28.1.
14.14 仲裁庭秘书应持续承担责任直到仲裁最终结束,在仲裁庭秘书递交其书面声明(根据第14.9条)后,如果其知悉存在任何可能使任何一方当事人对其公正性或独立性产生合理怀疑的情形,应立即以书面形式向LCIA仲裁院、仲裁庭及仲裁的所有各方当事人进行披露。
14.14 Atribunal secretary shall assume a continuing duty, until the arbitration is finally concluded, forthwith to disclose in writing any circumstances becoming known to that tribunal secretary after the date of his or her written declaration (under Article 14.9) which are likely to give rise in the mind of any party to any justifiable doubts as to his or her impartiality or independence, to be delivered to the LCIA Court, the Arbitral Tribunal and all parties in the arbitration.
14.15 仲裁庭对仲裁庭秘书的免职有自由裁量权。上文第10条经必要修改后,亦适用于任何仲裁庭秘书。
14.15 A tribunal secretary may be removed by the Arbitral Tribunal at its discretion. Article 10 above shall also apply, with necessary changes, to any tribunal secretary.
第15条 仲裁的书面阶段
Article 15 Written Stage of the Arbitration
15.1 Unless the parties have agreed or jointly proposed in writing otherwise or the Arbitral Tribunal should decide differently, the written stage of thearbitration and its procedural timetable shall be as set out in this Article 15.
15.2 申请人应于收到书记员关于仲裁庭组庭的书面通知后28天之内向仲裁庭和其他各方当事人提交如下材料之一:(i)书面选择将其申请书视为符合本规则第15.2条的案情陈述书;或者(ii)书面案情陈述书,详细阐明其所依据的相关事实和法律意见,连同向所有其它各方当事人提出的救济,以及其所依赖的所有文件。
15.2 Within 28 days of receipt of the Registrar’s written notification of the Arbitral Tribunal’s formation, the Claimant shall deliver to the Arbitral Tribunal andall other parties either: (i) its written election to have its Request treated as its Statement of Case complying with this Article 15.2; or (ii) its written Statement of Case setting out in sufficient detail the relevant facts and legal submissions on which it relies, together with the relief claimed against all other parties, and all documents relied upon.
15.3 被申请人应于收到申请人的案情陈述书或申请人选择将其申请书视为案情陈述书的通知后28天之内向仲裁庭和其他各方当事人提交如下材料之一:(i)书面选择将其回复书视为符合本规则第15.3条的答辩书和(如适用)反请求;或者(ii)书面答辩书和(如适用)反请求书,详细阐明其所依据的相关事实和法律意见,连同向所有其它各方当事人提出的救济,以及其所依赖的所有文件。
15.3 Within 28 days of receipt of the Claimant’s Statement of Case or the Claimant’selection to treat the Request as its Statement of Case, the Respondent shalldeliver to the Arbitral Tribunal and all other parties either: (i) its writtenelection to have its Response treated as its Statement of Defence and (ifapplicable) Counterclaim complying with this Article 15.3; or (ii) its writtenStatement of Defence and (if applicable) Statement of Counterclaim setting outin sufficient detail the relevant facts and legal submissions on which itrelies, together with the relief claimed against all other parties, and alldocuments relied upon.
15.4 在收到被申请人的答辩书和(如适用)反请求书或被申请人选择将其回复书视为答辩书和(如适用)反请求的通知后28天之内,申请人应向仲裁庭和其他各方当事人提交一份书面答复书以及其所依赖的所有文件,如果有任何反请求,答复书中还应包括一份反请求答辩书,其方式应与答辩书所要求的方式相同。
15.4 Within 28 days of receipt of the Respondent’s Statement of Defence and (if applicable) Statement of Counterclaim or the Respondent’s election to treat the Response as its Statement of Defence and (if applicable) Counterclaim, the Claimant shall deliver to the Arbitral Tribunal and all other parties a written Statement of Reply which, where there is any counterclaim, shall also include a Statement of Defence to Counterclaim in the same manner required for a Statement of Defence, together with all documents relied upon.
15.5 如果答复书载有反请求答辩书,则被申请人应在收到答复书后的28天之内向仲裁庭和其他各方当事人提交一份针对该反请求答辩书的书面答复书,以及其所依赖的所有文件。
15.5 If the Statement of Reply contains a Statement of Defence to Counterclaim, within 28 days of its receipt the Respondent shall deliver to the Arbitral Tribunal and all other parties its written Statement of Reply to the Defence to Counterclaim, together with all documents relied upon.
15.6 除非仲裁庭另有命令,任何一方不得在提交前述最后一份陈述之后再提交任何书面陈述。
15.6 No party may submit any further written statement following the last of these Statements, unless otherwise ordered by the Arbitral Tribunal.
15.7 仲裁庭可就仲裁书面阶段的任何部分作出补充或替代指示,包括但不限于以下指示:
15.7 The Arbitral Tribunal may provide additional or alternative directions as to any part of the written stage of the arbitration, including but not limited to directions for:
(i) 进一步提交书面材料;
(i) further written submissions;
(ii) 关于任何一方交叉请求的书面陈述;
(ii) written statements with respect to any party’s cross-claims;
(iii) 提供任何事实或专家证人的书面证据;
(iii) the service of written evidence from any fact or expert witness;
(iv) 提供任何其他形式的书面证据;以及
(iv) the service of any other form of written evidence; and
(v) 仲裁书面阶段的顺序、时间和构成
(v) the sequence, timing and composition of the written stage of the arbitration.
15.8 如果被申请人未提交答辩书或申请人未提交反请求答辩书,或任何一方当事人在任何时间未能利用机会依据本规则第15条规定的方式或仲裁庭指令的其他方式书面陈述其案情,仲裁庭可继续进行仲裁(无论是否进行庭审)并作出一个或多个裁决。
15.8 If the Respondent fails to submit a Statement of Defence or the Claimant a Statement of Defence to Counterclaim, or if at any time any party fails to avail itself of the opportunity to present its written case in the manner required under this Article 15 or as otherwise ordered by the Arbitral Tribunal, the Arbitral Tribunal may nevertheless proceed with the arbitration (with or without a hearing) and make one or more awards.
15.9 在仲裁书面阶段之后,仲裁庭应在切实可行的情况下尽快按照当事各方书面商定的方式或根据仲裁协议的授权进行仲裁。
15.9 As soon as practicable following the written stage of the arbitration, the Arbitral Tribunal shall proceed in such manner as has been agreed in writing by the parties or pursuant to its authority under the Arbitration Agreement.
15.10 In any event, the Arbitral Tribunal shall seek to make its final award as soon as reasonably possible and shall endeavour to do so no later than three months following the last submission from the parties (whether made orally or in writing), in accordance with a timetable notified to the parties and the Registrar as soon as practicable (if necessary, as revised and re-notified from time to time). When the Arbitral Tribunal (not being a sole arbitrator) establishes a time for what it contemplates shall be the last submission from the parties (whether written or oral), it shall set aside adequate time for deliberations (whether in person or otherwise) as soon as possible after that last submission and notify the parties of the time it has set aside.
第16条 仲裁地、审理地点和适用法律
Article 16 Seat of Arbitration, Place(s) of Hearing and Applicable Law
16.1 The parties may agree in writing the seat (or legal place) of their arbitration at any time before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal and, after such formation, with the prior written consent of the Arbitral Tribunal.
16.2 未作此种约定的,仲裁地应为伦敦(英国),除非仲裁庭在考虑所有情况并给予各方当事人向仲裁庭发表书面意见的合理机会之后,决定另一仲裁地更为合适。在根据第5条、第9A条、第9B条、第9C条和第11条任命仲裁员或紧急仲裁员时,LCIA仲裁院不应将未约定仲裁地视为相关情况。
16.2 In default of any such agreement, the seat of the arbitration shall be London (England), unless and until the Arbitral Tribunal orders, in view of the circumstances and after having given the parties a reasonable opportunity to make written comments to the Arbitral Tribunal, that another arbitral seat is more appropriate. Such default seat shall not be considered as a relevant circumstance by the LCIA Court in appointing any arbitrator or Emergency Arbitrator under Articles 5, 9A, 9B, 9C and 11.
16.3 如果要当面举行庭审,仲裁庭经与当事人协商,可以在任何地理位置便利的地点举行庭审。如果仲裁庭要亲自会面进行审议,可以自行选择任何地理地点进行。如果在仲裁地以外的其他地点进行庭审或审议,或者如果庭审或审议并非现场进行(全部或部分),则该仲裁在任何情况下仍应被视为在仲裁地进行的仲裁,同时仲裁庭作出的任何命令或裁决亦应被视为在该仲裁地作出。
16.3 If any hearing is to be held in person, the Arbitral Tribunal may hold such hearing at any convenient geographical place in consultation with the parties.If the Arbitral Tribunal is to meet in person to hold its deliberations, it may do so at any geographical place of its own choice. If such place(s) should be elsewhere than the seat of the arbitration, or if any hearing or deliberation takes place otherwise than in person (in whole or in part), the arbitration shall nonetheless be treated for all purposes as an arbitration conducted at the arbitral seat and any order or award as having been made at that seat.
16.4 除以下第16.5条另有规定外,仲裁协议和仲裁的准据法应为仲裁地适用的法律,除非双方已就适用其他法律或法律规则达成书面协议,且该协议不为仲裁地适用的法律所禁止。
16.4 Subject to Article 16.5 below, the law applicable to the Arbitration Agreement and the arbitration shall be the law applicable at the seat of the arbitration, unless and to the extent that the parties have agreed in writing on the application of other laws or rules of law and such agreement is not prohibited by the law applicable at the arbitral seat.
16.5 尽管有第16.4条之规定,LCIA规则仍应根据英国法律进行解释。
16.5 Notwithstanding Article 16.4, the LCIA Rules shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of England.
第17条 仲裁语言
Article 17 Language(s) of Arbitration
17.1 仲裁的初始语言(仲裁庭组庭前)应为仲裁协议的语言或通行语言,但当事人另有书面约定者除外。
17.1 The initial language of the arbitration (until the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal) shall be the language or prevailing language of the Arbitration Agreement, unless the parties have agreed in writing otherwise.
17.2 如果仲裁协议使用一种以上具有同等地位的语言写成,那么,除非仲裁协议规定仲裁程序从一开始就应使用一种以上的语言进行,否则LCIA仲裁院可以决定其中何种语言应作为仲裁的初始语言。
17.2 In the event that the Arbitration Agreement is written in more than one language of equal standing, the LCIA Court may, unless the Arbitration Agreement provides that the arbitration proceedings shall be conducted from the outset in more than one language, determine which of those languages shall be the initial language of the arbitration.
17.3 如果与LCIA仲裁院和书记员之间的往来函件均以仲裁或仲裁地的初始语言(一种或多种)进行,则非参加方或违约方无申诉理由。
17.3 A non-participating or defaulting party shall have no cause for complaint if communications to and from the LCIA Court and Registrar are conducted in the initial language(s) of the arbitration or of the arbitral seat.
17.4 仲裁庭组庭后,除非当事人已就仲裁使用一种或多种语言达成了协议,仲裁庭应在给予各方当事人发表书面意见的合理机会并对仲裁初始语言以及其认为在所有情况下适当的任何其他事项进行考虑之后,确定仲裁使用的语言(一种或多种)。
17.4 Following the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, unless the parties have agreed upon the language or languages of the arbitration, the Arbitral Tribunal shall decide upon the language(s) of the arbitration after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to make written comments and taking into account the initial language(s) of the arbitration and any other matter it may consider appropriate in the circumstances.
17.5 倘若任何文件以仲裁语言(一种或多种)以外的语言书写,但依赖该文件的一方当事人未提交该文件的译文,则仲裁庭可以命令或(如仲裁庭尚未组庭)书记员可以要求该当事人以仲裁或仲裁地的任何语言(一种或多种)提交该文件全部或任何部分的译文。
17.5 If any document is expressed in a language other than the language(s) of the arbitration and no translation of such document is submitted by the party relying upon the document, the Arbitral Tribunal may order or (if the Arbitral Tribunal has not been formed) the Registrar may request that party to submit a translation of all or any part of that document in any language(s) of the arbitration or of the arbitral seat.
第18条 当事人的授权代表
Article 18 Authorised Representatives of a Party
18.1 在仲裁中,任何一方当事人均可以由一名或多名授权代表人代表在仲裁庭出庭。
18.1 Any party may be represented in the arbitration by one or more authorised representatives appearing by name before the Arbitral Tribunal.
18.2 仲裁庭组庭前,书记员可以要求任何一方当事人:(i)提交其向申请书或回复书中指定的任何授权代表授权的书面证明;以及 (ii)书面确认仲裁中所有该当事人的授权代表的姓名、电子邮件和邮寄地址。仲裁庭组庭后,可随时命令任何一方当事人以仲裁庭认为恰当的形式提供类似的证明或确认书。
18.2 Untilthe Arbitral Tribunal’s formation, the Registrar may request from any party:(i) written proof of the authority granted by that party to any authorised representative designated in its Request or Response; and (ii) written confirmation of the names, email and postal addresses of all such party’s authorised representatives in the arbitration. After its formation, at any time, the Arbitral Tribunal may order any party to provide similar proof or confirmation in any form it considers appropriate.
18.3 仲裁庭组庭后,任何一方当事人意图变更或增加其授权代表的,应立即以书面形式通知所有其他当事人、仲裁庭、仲裁庭秘书(如果有的话)和书记员;任何此种意图变更或增加,只有经过仲裁庭的批准,方可在仲裁中生效。
18.3 Following the Arbitral Tribunal’s formation, any intended change or addition by a party to its authorised representatives shall be notified promptly in writing to al lother parties, the Arbitral Tribunal, the tribunal secretary (if any) and the Registrar; and any such intended change or addition shall only take effect in the arbitration subject to the approval of the Arbitral Tribunal.
18.4 如果一方当事人意图变更或增加其授权代表可能损害仲裁庭的组成或者裁决终局性,则仲裁庭可以拒绝批准此种变更或增加(基于可能的利益冲突或其他类似妨碍)。仲裁庭在决定批准与否时,应考虑下述因素:当事人可以由其选择的授权代表人所代表的一般原则;仲裁进行的阶段;维持仲裁庭组成所产生的效率(在整个仲裁过程中的组成);此种变更或增加可能造成的成本浪费或时间损失。
18.4 The Arbitral Tribunal may withhold approval of any intended change or addition to a party’s authorised representatives where such change or addition could compromise the composition of the Arbitral Tribunal or the finality of any award (on the grounds of possible conflict of interest or other like impediment).In deciding whether to grant or withhold such approval, the Arbitral Tribunal shall have regard to the circumstances, including: the general principle that a party may be represented by an authorised representative chosen by that party, the stage which the arbitration has reached, the efficiency resulting from maintaining the composition of the Arbitral Tribunal (as constituted throughout the arbitration) and any likely wasted costs or loss of time resulting from such change or addition.
18.5 每一方应保证其在仲裁庭出庭的所有授权代表都同意遵守LCIA规则附件所载的一般准则,这是此种代表的一个条件。在准许任何授权代表出庭时,当事人就此表示该授权代表同意此种遵守。
18.5 Each party shall ensure that all its authorised representatives appearing by name before the Arbitral Tribunal have agreed to comply with the general guidelines contained in the Annex to the LCIA Rules, as a condition of such representation. In permitting any authorised representative so to appear, a party shall thereby represent that the authorised representative has agreed to such compliance.
18.6 如果一方当事人对另一方当事人在仲裁庭出庭的授权代表提出申诉(或仲裁庭主动提出申诉),则仲裁庭在与当事各方协商并给予该授权代表合理机会就申诉作出答复后,可以对该授权代表是否违反了一般准则作出决定。如果仲裁庭认定存在此种违反行为,则可以命令对该授权代表采取任何或全部如下制裁措施:(i)书面训诫;(ii)就未来仲裁行为提出书面警告;以及(iii)履行第14.1(i) 条和第14.1(ii)条规定的仲裁庭在仲裁中的一般义务所需的任何其他措施。
18.6 In the event of a complaint by one party against another party’s authorised representative appearing by name before the Arbitral Tribunal (or of such complaint by the Arbitral Tribunal upon its own initiative), the ArbitralTribunal may decide, after consulting the parties and granting that authorised representative a reasonable opportunity to answer the complaint, whether or not the authorised representative has violated the general guidelines. If such violation is found by the Arbitral Tribunal, the Arbitral Tribunal may order any or all of the following sanctions against the authorised representative:(i) a written reprimand; (ii) a written caution as to future conduct in the arbitration; and (iii) any other measure necessary to fulfil within the arbitration the general duties required of the Arbitral Tribunal under Articles14.1(i) and (ii).
第19条 开庭审理
Article 19 Hearing(s)
19.1 在仲裁庭就其管辖权和权力(根据第23条)作出任何裁决前,或者就案件是非曲直作出任何裁决前,任何一方当事人均有权在仲裁庭参加庭审。仲裁庭可自行决定在任何阶段举行庭审,除非各方当事人已书面同意只进行文件仲裁。为此,庭审可以由几部分庭审组成(由仲裁庭决定)。
19.1 Any party has the right to a hearing before the Arbitral Tribunal prior to any ruling of the Arbitral Tribunal on its jurisdiction and authority (pursuant to Article 23) or any award on the merits. The Arbitral Tribunal may itself decide that a hearing should be held at any stage, unless the parties have agreed in writing upon a documents-only arbitration. For these purposes, a hearing may consist of several part-hearings (as decided by the Arbitral Tribunal).
19.2 仲裁庭应与当事各方协商,事先安排举行任何庭审。仲裁庭根据仲裁协议应有最充分的权力确定举行庭审,包括庭审日期、期间、形式、内容、程序、期限和地理地点(如果适用的话)。关于形式,庭审可以当面举行,也可以通过电话会议、视频会议或使用其他通信技术等非现场方式与一个或多个地理地点的与会者举行(或者以组合形式)。关于内容,仲裁庭可以要求当事各方提出因他们之间的纠纷而产生的具体问题或争点。仲裁庭还可以限制提出问题或争点的范围。
19.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall organise the conduct of any hearing in advance, in consultation with the parties. The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the fullest authority under the Arbitration Agreement to establish the conduct of a hearing, including its date, duration, form, content, procedure, time-limits and geographical place (if applicable). As to form, a hearing may take place in person, or virtually by conference call, videoconference or using other communications technology with participants in one or more geographical places (or in a combined form). As to content, the Arbitral Tribunal may require the parties to address specific questions or issues arising from the parties’ dispute. The Arbitral Tribunal may also limit the extent to which questions or issues are to be addressed.
19.3 仲裁庭应以书面形式合理通知各方当事人任何庭审。
19.3 The Arbitral Tribunal shall give to the parties reasonable notice in writing of any hearing.
19.4 所有庭审均应不公开进行,除非各方当事人另有书面约定。
19.4 All hearings shall be held in private, unless the parties agree otherwise in writing.
第20条 证人
Article 20 Witnesses
20.1 本规则第20条之规定适用于当事人所依赖的任何事实或专家证人。
20.1 The provisions of this Article 20 shall apply to any fact or expert witness on whose evidence a party relies.
20.2 在任何庭审之前,仲裁庭均可以命令任何一方当事人书面告知其拟传唤的各位证人(包括反证证人)的身份,以及该证人证言的主题、内容及其与仲裁争点的关联性。
20.2 Before any hearing, the Arbitral Tribunal may order any party to give written notice of the identity of each witness that party wishes to call (including rebuttal witnesses), as well as the subject matter of that witness's testimony, its content and its relevance to the issues in the arbitration.
20.3 证人的证言可由当事人以书面形式出示,以签署的声明或类似文件的方式作出均可,但不得违反仲裁庭另行作出的任何命令。
20.3 Subjectto any order otherwise by the Arbitral Tribunal, the testimony of a witness may be presented by a party in written form, either as a signed statement or like document.
20.4 仲裁庭可以决定当事人之间交换并向仲裁庭提交上述书面材料的时间、方式和形式;仲裁庭可以允许、拒绝或限制证人的书面和口头证词。
20.4 The Arbitral Tribunal may decide the time, manner and form in which these written materials shall be exchanged between the parties and presented to the Arbitral Tribunal; and it may allow, refuse or limit the written and oral testimony of witnesses.
20.5 仲裁庭和任何一方当事人均可以要求另一方当事人以其书面证词为依据的证人在仲裁庭举行的庭审中接受口头询问。仲裁庭命令另一方当事人确保该证人出庭,而该证人无正当理由拒绝出庭或未出庭的,仲裁庭可以根据案件的情况,给予该书面证词其认为恰当的权重,或者将其全部或部分排除。
20.5 The Arbitral Tribunal and any party may request that a witness, on whose written testimony another party relies, should attend for oral questioning at a hearing before the Arbitral Tribunal. If the Arbitral Tribunal orders that other party to secure the attendance of that witness and the witness refuses or fails to attend the hearing without good cause, the Arbitral Tribunal may place such weight on the written testimony or exclude all or any part thereof altogether as it considers appropriate in the circumstances.
20.6 在不违反任何适用法律、法律规则以及仲裁庭另外所作任何命令的强制性规定的前提下,为了以书面形式向仲裁庭出示证人的证言或者为了使其作为口头证人参加庭审,任何一方当事人或其授权代表人会见任何潜在的证人,并无不当之处。
20.6 Subject to the mandatory provisions of any applicable law, rules of law and any order of the Arbitral Tribunal otherwise, it shall not be improper for any party or its authorised representatives to interview any potential witness for the purpose of presenting his or her testimony in written form to the Arbitral Tribunal or producing such person as an oral witness at any hearing.
20.7 除非仲裁庭另有命令,任何拟向仲裁庭作证的个人均可被视为证人,无论该人士是仲裁的一方当事人,或曾经、仍然或已经成为任何一方当事人的高级职员、雇员、所有者或股东,或以其他方式与任何一方当事人产生关联。
20.7 Subject to any order by the Arbitral Tribunal otherwise, any individual intending to testify to the Arbitral Tribunal may be treated as a witness notwithstanding that the individual is a party to the arbitration or was, remains or has become an officer, employee, owner or shareholder of any party or is otherwise identified with any party.
20.8 在任何证人口头作证之前,仲裁庭有权(但不是必须)在任何庭审中让该证人进行任何恰当的宣誓或确认,但不得违反任何适用法律的强制性规定。
20.8 Subject to the mandatory provisions of any applicable law, the Arbitral Tribunal shall be entitled (but not required) to administer any appropriate oath or affirmation to any witness at any hearing, prior to the oral testimony of that witness.
20.9 在仲裁庭庭审中进行口头作证的任何证人,都可以在仲裁庭控制下由任何一方当事人询问。仲裁庭可以在证人提供证词的任何阶段提出问题。
20.9 Any witness who gives oral testimony at a hearing before the Arbitral Tribunal may be questioned by each of the parties under the control of the Arbitral Tribunal. The Arbitral Tribunal may put questions at any stage of such testimony.
第21条 仲裁庭专家
Article 21 Expert to Arbitral Tribunal
21.1 仲裁庭经与当事各方协商后,可指定一名或多名专家以书面形式向仲裁庭和当事各方就仲裁庭指出的仲裁中的具体问题进行汇报。
21.1 The Arbitral Tribunal, after consultation with the parties, may appoint one or more experts to report in writing to the Arbitral Tribunal and the parties on specific issues in the arbitration, as identified by the Arbitral Tribunal.
21.2 任何此类专家应保持公正并独立于当事各方;该专家应签署一份表示其秉承公正的书面声明,将该声明递交仲裁庭并将声明复印件递交所有当事人。
21.2 Any such expert shall be and remain impartial and independent of the parties; and he or she shall sign a written declaration to such effect, delivered to the Arbitral Tribunal and copied to all parties.
21.3 The Arbitral Tribunal may require any party at any time to give to such expert any relevant information or to provide access to any relevant documents, goods,samples, property, site or thing for inspection under that party’s control on such terms as the Arbitral Tribunal thinks appropriate in the circumstances.
21.4 如果当事人提出要求或仲裁庭认为有必要,在专家提交书面报告后,仲裁庭可以命令该专家出席一次庭审,届时当事各方应有合理机会就报告向专家询问,并提请证人就报告所产生的相关问题作证。LCIA规则第20.8条和第20.9条应适用于仲裁庭的任何专家,但需要做必要修改。
21.4 If any party so requests or the Arbitral Tribunal considers it necessary, the Arbitral Tribunal may order the expert, after delivery of the expert’s written report, to attend a hearing at which the parties shall have a reasonable opportunity to question the expert on the report and to present witnesses in order to testify on relevant issues arising from the report. Articles 20.8 and 20.9 of the LCIA Rules shall apply, with necessary changes, to any expert to the Arbitral Tribunal.
21.5 仲裁庭依照本规则第21条指定的任何专家的费用和开支可从当事人按照第24条应缴的费用预付款中支付,并应构成第28.1条规定的仲裁费用的一部分。
21.5 The fees and expenses of any expert appointed by the Arbitral Tribunal under this Article 21 may be paid out of the Advance Payment for Costs payable by the parties under Article 24 and shall form part of the Arbitration Costs under Article 28.1.
第22条 附加权力
Article 22 Additional Powers
22.1 仲裁庭有权应任何一方当事人的申请从事下述行为,或者有权(除下文第 (x)段外)主动从事下述行为,但在任何一种情形下,都必须事先给予各方当事人合理机会陈述其观点,也必须遵守仲裁庭可以决定的(关于费用和其他方面的)条件:
22.1 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power, upon the application of any party or (save for sub- paragraph (x) below) upon its own initiative, but in either case only after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views and upon such terms (as to costs and otherwise) as the Arbitral Tribunal may decide:
(i) 允许当事人补充、修改或修正任何请求、答辩、反请求、交叉请求、反请求答辩、交叉请求答辩和答复,包括该当事人提交的申请书、回复书以及任何其他书面陈述。
(i) to allow a party to supplement, modify or amend any claim, defence, counterclaim, cross-claim, defence to counterclaim, defence to cross-claim and reply, including a Request, Response and any other written statement, submitted by such party;
(ii) 缩短或延长仲裁协议、当事各方的任何其他协议或仲裁庭作出的任何命令中规定的任何期限(即使时限已过);
(ii) to abridge or extend (even where the period of time has expired) any period of time prescribed under the Arbitration Agreement, any other agreement of the parties or any order made by the Arbitral Tribunal;
(iii) 进行仲裁庭认为必要或适宜的询问,包括仲裁庭是否应该以及在何种程度上应该主动识别相关问题,并查明相关事实以及适用于仲裁协议、仲裁和当事人争议是非曲直的法律或法律规则;
(iii) to conduct such enquiries as may appear to the Arbitral Tribunal to be necessary or expedient, including whether and to what extent the Arbitral Tribunal should itself take the initiative in identifying relevant issues and ascertaining relevant facts and the law(s) or rules of law applicable to the Arbitration Agreement, the arbitration and the merits of the parties' dispute;
(iv) 命令任何一方当事人将其控制下的任何文件、货物、样品、财产、场所或物品提供给仲裁庭、任何其他当事人、该当事人的任何专家以及仲裁庭的任何专家进行查验;
(iv) to order any party to make any documents, goods, samples, property, site or thing under its control available for inspection by the Arbitral Tribunal, any other party, any expert to such party and any expert to the Tribunal;
(v) 命令任何一方当事人向仲裁庭和其他当事人出具仲裁庭认为有关的,并在其占有、保管或权力范围之内的文件或文件副本。
(v) to order any party to produce to the Arbitral Tribunal and to other parties documents or copies of documents in their possession, custody or power which the Arbitral Tribunal decides to be relevant;
(vi) 决定是否对一方当事人就任何事实问题或专家意见所提供材料的可采性、关联性或重要性适用任何严格的证据规则(或任何其它规则);决定各方当事人之间交换并向仲裁庭提交此类材料的时间、方式和形式;
(vi) to decide whether or not to apply any strict rules of evidence (or any other rules) as to the admissibility, relevance or weight of any material tendered by a party on any issue of fact or expert opinion; and to decide the time, manner and form in which such material should be exchanged between the parties and presented to the Arbitral Tribunal;
(vii) 决定仲裁中任何问题(一个或多个)予以确定的阶段,以何种顺序,以及根据上文第14条在每个阶段应该采取的程序;
(vii) to decide the stage of the arbitration at which any issue or issues shall be determined, in what order, and the procedure to be adopted at each stage in accordance with Article 14 above;
(viii) 确定任何请求、答辩、反请求、交叉请求、反请求答辩或交叉请求答辩明显超出仲裁庭的管辖权范围,或仲裁庭不应受理或明显缺乏依据;并在适当时就此发出命令或裁决(“初期决定”);
(viii) to determine that any claim, defence, counterclaim, cross-claim, defence to counterclaim or defence to cross-claim is manifestly outside the jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal, or is inadmissible or manifestly without merit; and where appropriate to issue an order or award to that effect (an “Early Determination”);
(ix) 命令遵守任何法律义务,或命令因违反任何法律义务或未具体履行任何协议支付赔偿金(包括任何仲裁协议或任何与土地有关的合同);
(ix) to order compliance with any legal obligation or payment of compensation for breach of any legal obligation or specific performance of any agreement (including any arbitration agreement or any contract relating to land);
(x) 允许一名或多名第三人作为一方加入仲裁,但条件是,任何此种第三人和申请方在仲裁启动日后以书面形式明确同意这种合并,或者(如果更早)在仲裁协议中明确同意这种合并;此后,就仲裁所涉各方作出一份单一的最终裁决或作出独立的裁决;以及
(x) to allow one or more third persons to be joined in the arbitration as a party provided any such third person and the applicant party have consented expressly to such joinder in writing following the Commencement Date or (if earlier) in the Arbitration Agreement; and thereafter to make a single final award, or separate awards, in respect of all parties so implicated in the arbitration;and
(xi) 如果仲裁庭认为当事各方已放弃仲裁,或已撤回所有索赔请求以及任何反请求或交叉请求,则在给予各方当事人合理机会陈述其观点之后,可以命令停止仲裁。
(xi) to order the discontinuance of the arbitration if it appears to the Arbitral Tribunal that the arbitration has been abandoned by the parties or all claims and any counterclaims or cross-claims have been withdrawn by the parties, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views.
22.2 当事人同意根据仲裁协议进行仲裁,应被视为双方同意不向任何国家法院或其他法律机关申请根据第22.1条可从仲裁庭(如果已经组庭)处获得的任何命令,但各方当事人书面协议者除外。
22.2 By agreeing to arbitration under the Arbitration Agreement, the parties shall be treated as having agreed not to apply to any state court or other legal authority for any order available from the Arbitral Tribunal (if formed) under Article 22.1, except with the agreement in writing of all parties.
22.3 The Arbitral Tribunal shall decide the parties' dispute in accordance with the law(s) or rules of law chosen by the parties as applicable to the merits of their dispute. If and to the extent that the Arbitral Tribunal decides that the parties have made no such choice, the Arbitral Tribunal shall apply the law(s) or rules of law which it considers appropriate.
22.4 只有在当事人已经书面作出约定时,仲裁庭才应只适用源自“公允善良”、“友好调停” 或“诚实约定”的原则来解决争议的是非曲直。
22.4 The Arbitral Tribunal shall only apply to the merits of the dispute principles deriving from "ex aequo et bono", "amiable composition" or "honourable engagement" where the parties have so agreed in writing.
22.5 在不违反仲裁庭根据第22.1(ii)条作出的任何命令的情况下,LCIA仲裁院还可以根据仲裁协议或各方当事人之间的其他协议设定、缩短或延长任何期限(即使时限已过)。
22.5 Subject to any order of the Arbitral Tribunal under Article 22.1(ii), the LCIA Court may also set, abridge or extend any period of time under the Arbitration Agreement or other agreement of the parties (even where the period of time has expired).
22.6 在不影响第22.1(xi)条的情况下,如果LCIA仲裁院认为当事各方已放弃仲裁,或已撤回所有索赔请求以及任何反请求或交叉请求,则在给予各方当事人合理机会陈述其观点之后可以决定停止仲裁。
22.6 Without prejudice to Article 22.1(xi), the LCIA Court may determine, after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views, that the arbitration shall be discontinued if it appears to the LCIA Court that the arbitration has been abandoned by the parties or all claims and any counterclaims or cross-claims have been withdrawn by the parties.
第22A条 命令合并/并行仲裁的权力
Article 22A Power to Order Consolidation/Concurrent Conduct of Arbitrations
22.7 应任何一方当事人申请,经LCIA仲裁院批准,在给予所有受影响之当事人合理机会陈述其观点后,并依据仲裁庭可以决定的(关于费用和其他方面的)条件,仲裁庭有权作出下述命令:
22.7 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power to order with the approval of the LCIA Court, upon the application of any party, after giving all affected parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views and upon such terms (as to costs and otherwise) as the Arbitral Tribunal may decide:
(i) 将仲裁与一个或多个其他仲裁合并为一个单一仲裁,但须遵守LCIA规则,即所有要合并的仲裁的当事人要书面同意合并;
(i) the consolidation of the arbitration with one or more other arbitrations into a single arbitration subject to the LCIA Rules where all the parties to the arbitrations to be consolidated so agree in writing;
(ii) 将仲裁与一个或多个其他仲裁合并,但须遵守LCIA规则,同时,仲裁是依据同一仲裁协议或任何兼容的仲裁协议启动的,而且是相同争议当事人之间的仲裁或仲裁源于同一交易或一系列相关交易,但条件是,LCIA仲裁院尚未为此类其他仲裁组建仲裁庭,或者如果已经组庭,此仲裁庭由相同仲裁员组成;以及
(ii) the consolidation of the arbitration with one or more other arbitrations subject to the LCIA Rules and commenced under the same arbitration agreement or any compatible arbitration agreement(s) and either between the same disputing parties or arising out of the same transaction or series of related transactions, provided that no arbitral tribunal has yet been formed by the LCIA Court for such other arbitration(s) or, if already formed, that such arbitral tribunal(s) is(are) composed of the same arbitrators; and
(iii) 若两个或多个仲裁遵守LCIA规则,同时,仲裁是依据同一仲裁协议或任何兼容的仲裁协议启动的,而且是相同争议当事人之间的仲裁或仲裁源于同一交易或一系列相关交易,那么,如果每个仲裁的仲裁庭组成都是相同的,两个或多个仲裁应同时进行。
(iii) that two or more arbitrations, subject to the LCIA Rules and commenced under the same arbitration agreement or any compatible arbitration agreement(s) and either between the same disputing parties or arising out of the same transaction or series of related transactions, shall be conducted concurrently where the same arbitral tribunal is constituted in respect of each arbitration.
22.8 在不影响第22.7条的一般性规定的情形下,
22.8 Without prejudice to the generality of Article 22.7, the LCIA Court may:
(i) LCIA仲裁院可以将一项仲裁与一项或多项其他仲裁合并为一项单一的仲裁,但须符合LCIA规则,即所有要合并的仲裁的当事人要书面同意合并;以及
(i) consolidate an arbitration with one or more other arbitrations into a single arbitration subject to the LCIA Rules where all the parties to the arbitrations to be consolidated so agree in writing; and
(ii) 在给予当事各方合理机会陈述其观点后,如果两项或多项仲裁都遵守LCIA规则,同时,仲裁是依据同一份仲裁协议或任何兼容的仲裁协议启动的,而且是相同争议当事人之间的仲裁或仲裁源于同一交易或一系列相关交易,LCIA仲裁院可以决定根据LCIA规则将两项或多项仲裁合并为一项仲裁,但条件是LCIA仲裁院尚未为任何将要合并的仲裁组成仲裁庭。
(ii) determine,after giving the parties a reasonable opportunity to state their views, that two or more arbitrations, subject to the LCIA Rules and commenced under the same arbitration agreement or any compatible arbitration agreement(s) and either between the same disputing parties or arising out of the same transaction or series of related transactions, shall be consolidated to form one single arbitration subject to the LCIA Rules, provided that no arbitral tribunal has yet been formed by the LCIA Court for any of the arbitrations to be consolidated.
第23条 管辖权及权限
Article 23 Jurisdiction and Authority
23.1 仲裁庭有权对其自身的管辖权及权限作出决定,包括对仲裁协议初始或持续存在、有效性、效力及范围提出的任何异议作出决定。
23.1 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power to rule upon its own jurisdiction and authority, including any objection to the initial or continuing existence,validity, effectiveness or scope of the Arbitration Agreement.
23.2 就此目的而言,构成或拟构成另一协议一部分的一项仲裁条款,应视为独立于该另一协议的一个仲裁协议。仲裁庭裁定该另一协议不存在、无效或不具有效力不应(自动)导致该仲裁条款不存在、无效或不具有效力。
23.2 For that purpose, an arbitration clause which forms or was intended to form part of another agreement shall be treated as an arbitration agreement independent of that other agreement. A decision by the Arbitral Tribunal that such other agreement is non-existent, invalid or ineffective shall not entail (of itself) the non-existence, invalidity or ineffectiveness of the arbitration clause.
23.3 被申请人就仲裁庭无管辖权有异议的,应在提交答辩书之前尽快提出;任何一方当事人对反请求或交叉请求有同类异议的,应在提交反请求或交叉请求答辩书之前尽快提出。对仲裁庭越权的异议,应在仲裁庭已经表明将处理当事人声称仲裁庭越权的事项后尽快提出。但是,如果仲裁庭认为在某种情形下延期是有正当理由的,则可以接受延期提出的管辖权或权限异议。
23.3 An objection by a Respondent that the Arbitral Tribunal does not have jurisdiction shall be raised as soon as possible but not later than the time for its Statement of Defence; and a like objection by any party responding to a counterclaim or cross-claim shall be raised as soon as possible but not later than the time for its Statement of Defence to Counterclaim or Cross-Claim. An objection that the Arbitral Tribunal is exceeding the scope of its authority shall be raised promptly after the Arbitral Tribunal has indicated its intention to act upon the matter alleged to lie beyond its authority. The Arbitral Tribunal may nevertheless admit an untimely objection as to its jurisdiction or authority if it considers the delay justified in the circumstances.
23.4 仲裁庭在其认为合适的情形下,可以在关于管辖权或权限的裁决中,或以后在关于实体问题的裁决中,对其管辖权或权限异议作出裁定。
23.4 The Arbitral Tribunal may decide the objection to its jurisdiction or authority in an award as to jurisdiction or authority or later in an award on the merits, as it considers appropriate in the circumstances.
23.5 各方当事人同意依照仲裁协议进行仲裁,在仲裁庭组庭后,应视为各方当事人已经同意不向任何国家法院或其它法律机关就仲裁庭的管辖权或权限事项申请救济,除非(i)全体仲裁当事人事先书面约定的,(ii)仲裁庭事先授权的,或(iii)在仲裁庭已经对其管辖权或权限异议作出裁定之后提出的。
23.5 By agreeing to arbitration under the Arbitration Agreement, after the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal the parties shall be treated as having agreed not to apply to any state court or other legal authority for any relief regarding the Arbitral Tribunal's jurisdiction or authority, except (i) with the prioragreement in writing of all parties to the arbitration, or (ii) the prior authorisation of the Arbitral Tribunal, or (iii) following the latter's award on the objection to its jurisdiction or authority.
第24条 仲裁费预付
Article 24 Advance Payment for Costs
24.1 LCIA仲裁院可以按其认为适当的比例及适当的次数命令各方当事人就仲裁费用向LCIA进行一次或多次付款(下称“仲裁费预付”),以确保支付第28.1条所规定的仲裁费用。各方当事人进行的付款可以由LCIA根据LCIA规则用于支付此仲裁费用中的任何项目(包括LCIA自己的费用和支出)。
24.1 The LCIA Court may direct the parties, in such proportions and at such times as it thinks appropriate, to make one or more payments to the LCIA (the "Advance Payment for Costs") in order to secure payment of the Arbitration Costs under Article 28.1. Such payments by the parties may be applied by the LCIA to pay any item of such Arbitration Costs (including the LCIA’s own fees and expenses) in accordance with the LCIA Rules.
24.2 仲裁费预付款应作为LCIA的财产,由LCIA根据LCIA规则进行支出或以其他方式使用,并应根据LCIA的利益进行投资。各方当事人同意LCIA不应担任受托人,并且就仲裁费预付款而言,LCIA对当事人所承担的唯一责任是应按照LCIA规则行事。
24.2 The Advance Payment for Costs shall be the property of the LCIA, to be disbursed or otherwise applied by the LCIA in accordance with the LCIA Rules and invested having regard to the interests of the LCIA. The parties agree that the LCIA shall not act as trustee and its sole duty to the parties in respect of the Advance Payment for Costs shall be to act pursuant to these LCIA Rules.
24.3 如果在仲裁结束时,仲裁费预付款超过了根据第28.1条规定的仲裁费用总额,则LCIA应按照各方当事人可以书面约定的比例将超出的金额转还给各方当事人。若当事人未能达成约定,则应根据仲裁庭作出的任何命令,按当事人向LCIA支付的仲裁费预付款的比例,以相同比例返还给相同当事人。
24.3 In the event that, at the conclusion of the arbitration, the Advance Payment for Costs exceeds the total amount of the Arbitration Costs under Article 28.1, the excess amount shall be transferred by the LCIA to the parties in such proportions as the parties may agree in writing or, failing such agreement, in the same proportions and to the same parties as the Advance Payment for Costs was paid to the LCIA, subject to any order of the Arbitral Tribunal.
24.4 LCIA将利用仲裁程序中当事人向LCIA提供的具体联系方式,通过合理尝试联系各方当事人以安排返还超出金额。通过此种联系方式,若一方当事人在30天内未答复,LCIA将向该当事人发出书面通知,告知其仲裁庭拟保留超出金额。若在发出该通知后60天内仍未收到答复,则视为该当事人不可撤销地放弃了其请求及/或接收超出金额的权利。
24.4 The LCIA will make reasonable attempts to contact the parties in order to arrange for the transfer of the excess amount, using the contact details provided tothe LCIA during the proceedings. If a response is not received from a party so contacted within 30 days, the LCIA will provide that party with written notice of its intention to retain the excess amount. If no response is received within a further 60 days, the party will be deemed irrevocably to have waived any right to claim and/or receive the excess amount.
24.5 除特殊情况外,就未缴付即将发生的仲裁费用,在未得到书记员确定LCIA是否已收到所需资金或将收到所需资金之前,仲裁庭不应进行仲裁。
24.5 Save for exceptional circumstances, the Arbitral Tribunal should not proceed with the arbitration without having ascertained from the Registrar that the LCIA is or will be in requisite funds as regards outstanding and future ArbitrationCosts.
24.6 如果一方当事人未能或拒绝按照LCIA仲裁院的命令缴纳任何仲裁费用,(在不违反任何关于仲裁费用的命令或裁决的情况下)LCIA仲裁院可以指示另一方当事人或其他多方当事人以同等金额进一步缴纳仲裁费预付款,以使仲裁得以进行。
24.6 In the event that a party fails or refuses to make any payment on account of the Arbitration Costs as directed by the LCIA Court, the LCIA Court may direct the other party or parties to effect a further Advance Payment for Costs in an equivalent amount to allow the arbitration to proceed (subject to any order or award on Arbitration Costs).
24.7 在此种情形下,进一步缴纳仲裁费预付款的一方当事人可以请求仲裁庭作出命令或裁决,将缴纳金额作为实时到期且应付给该当事人的债款,连同利息由未缴付方偿还。
24.7 In such circumstances, the party effecting the further Advance Payment for Costs may request the Arbitral Tribunal to make an order or award in order to recover that amount as a debt immediately due and payable to that party by the defaulting party, together with any interest.
24.8 如果提出请求、反请求或交叉请求的一方当事人未能及时全额缴纳所需金额,LCIA仲裁院或仲裁庭将视为撤回请求、反请求或交叉请求,据此根据仲裁协议从仲裁庭管辖权范围内删除该请求、反请求或交叉请求(视情况而定),但不能违反提出请求、反请求或交叉请求的一方当事人后续缴纳后,LCIA仲裁院或仲裁庭就恢复该请求、反请求或交叉请求所决定的任何条款。该撤回不应影响请求、反请求或交叉请求方作为被申请人对其他任何请求、反请求或交叉请求方进行答辩。
24.8 Failure by a claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party to make promptly and in full any required payment may be treated by the LCIA Court or the Arbitral Tribunal as a withdrawal from the arbitration of the claim, counterclaim or cross-claim respectively, thereby removing such claim, counterclaim or cross-claim (as the case may be) from the scope of the Arbitral Tribunal’s jurisdiction under the Arbitration Agreement, subject to any terms decided by the LCIA Court or the Arbitral Tribunal as to the reinstatement of the claim,counterclaim or cross-claim in the event of subsequent payment by the claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party. Such a withdrawal shall not preclude the claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party from defending as a respondent any claim, counterclaim or cross-claim made by another party.
第24A条 合规
Article 24A Compliance
24.9 一方当事人与LCIA之间的任何往来均不应违反适用于该方当事人或LCIA的有关贿赂、腐败、资助恐怖主义、欺诈、逃税、洗钱和/或经济或贸易制裁(“禁止性活动” )的任何要求,并且,LCIA将在理解其遵守所有此类要求的前提下与任何一方当事人往来。
24.9 Any dealings between a party and the LCIA will be subject to any requirements applicable to that party or the LCIA relating to bribery, corruption, terrorist financing, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering and/or economic or trade sanctions ("Prohibited Activity"), and the LCIA will deal with any party on the understanding that it is complying with all such requirements.
24.10 如果LCIA认为(酌情考量而无需陈述任何理由),按任何指令行事且/或接受或进行任何支付可能涉及禁止性活动、或违反任何法律法规、或其他适用于LCIA的法律义务,或认为这样做可能会使LCIA以其他方式面临任何监管机构或执法机构的执行之诉或谴责,则LCIA可以拒绝按该指令行事且/或拒绝接受或进行任何支付。
24.10 The LCIA may refuse to act on any instruction and/or accept or make any payment if the LCIA determines (in its sole discretion and without the need to state any reasons) that doing so may involve Prohibited Activity, or breach any law, regulation, or other legal duty which applies to it, or that doing so might otherwise expose the LCIA to enforcement action or censure from any regulator or law enforcement agency.
24.11 各方当事人同意向LCIA提供其为遵守与禁止性活动相关的法律而合理要求的任何信息及/或文件。LCIA可采取其认为适当的任何行动,以履行与禁止性活动相关的任何可适用的义务,包括向法院、执法机构或监管机构披露任何信息和文件。
24.11 The parties agree to provide the LCIA with any information and/or documents reasonably requested by the LCIA for the purpose of compliance with laws relating to Prohibited Activity. The LCIA may take any action it considers appropriate to comply with any applicable obligations relating to Prohibited Activity, including disclosure of any information and documents to courts, law enforcement agencies or regulatory authorities.
第25条 临时措施和保全措施
Article 25 Interim and Conservatory Measures
25.1 应任何一方当事人申请,仲裁庭依据一定情形下其认为恰当的条件有权从事下列行为,但应事先给予所有其他各方当事人合理机会对该申请作出回应。
25.1 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power upon the application of any party, after giving all other parties a reasonable opportunity to respond to such application and upon such terms as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate in the circumstances:
(i) 命令任何请求、反请求或交叉请求的被申请人一方以定金或银行保证或其他任何方式为全部或部分争议金额提供担保;
(i) to order any respondent party to a claim, counterclaim or cross-claim to provide security for all or part of the amount in dispute, by way of deposit or bank guarantee or in any other manner;
(ii) 命令保管、仓储、拍卖、或以其它方式处置任何一方当事人控制下的且与仲裁标的相关的任何货币、文件、货物、样品、财产、场所或物品;及
(ii) to order the preservation, storage, sale or other disposal of any monies,documents, goods, samples, property, site or thing under the control of any party and relating to the subject matter of the arbitration; and
(iii) to order on a provisional basis, subject to a final decision in an award, any relief which the Arbitral Tribunal would have power to grant in an award,including the payment of money or the disposition of property as between any parties.
Such terms may include the provision by the applicant party of a cross-indemnity, secured in such manner as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate, for any costs or losses incurred by the respondent party in complying with the Arbitral Tribunal’s order. Any amount payable under such cross-indemnity and any consequential relief may be decided by the Arbitral Tribunal by one or more awards in the arbitration.
25.2 仲裁庭有权应一方当事人的申请,在给予所有其他各方当事人合理机会对该申请作出答复后,命令任何请求、反请求或交叉请求方以定金、银行保证或其他任何方式,并依据仲裁庭认为适合当下情况的条件,为法律费用及仲裁费用提供担保。此种条件可以包括申请人一方对该请求方、反请求方或交叉请求方在遵守仲裁庭命令时遭受的任何费用或损失所提供的交叉赔偿,该交叉赔偿应以仲裁庭认为适当的方式进行担保。此种交叉赔偿下应付的任何金额以及随之产生的任何救济可由仲裁庭在仲裁中通过一项或多项裁决决定。如果请求方、反请求方或交叉请求方不遵守提供担保的命令,仲裁庭可以中止或在裁决中驳回该方当事人的请求、反请求或交叉请求。
25.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall have the power upon the application of a party, after giving all other parties a reasonable opportunity to respond to such application, to order any claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party to provide or procure security for Legal Costs and Arbitration Costs by way of deposit or bank guarantee or in any other manner and upon such terms as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate in the circumstances. Such terms may include the provision by the applicant of a cross-indemnity, itself secured in such manner as the Arbitral Tribunal considers appropriate, for any costs and losses incurred by such claimant, counterclaimant or cross-claimant in complying with the Arbitral Tribunal’s order. Any amount payable under such cross-indemnity and any consequential relief may be decided by the Arbitral Tribunal by one or more awards in the arbitration. In the event that a claiming, counterclaiming or cross-claiming party does not comply with any order to provide security, the Arbitral Tribunal may stay that party's claims,counterclaims or cross-claims or dismiss them by an award.
25.3 一方当事人可以向有管辖权的国家法院或其他法律机关申请采取仲裁庭根据第25.1条有权命令的临时或保全措施,直至作出最终裁决。此种申请(i)可以在仲裁庭组庭前提出;及(ii)在特殊情况下经仲裁庭授权后,可以在仲裁庭组庭后提出。在启动日后,对此类措施的任何申请及任何命令在仲裁庭组庭前应由申请方以书面形式立即通知书记员;在仲裁庭组庭后,还应及时通知仲裁庭;且在这两种情况下都应通知所有其他各方当事人。
25.3 A party may apply to a competent state court or other legal authority for interim or conservatory measures that the Arbitral Tribunal would have power to order under Article 25.1: (i) before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal; and (ii)after the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal, in exceptional cases and with the Arbitral Tribunal’s authorisation, until the final award. After the Commencement Date, any application and any order for such measures before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be communicated promptly in writing by the applicant party to the Registrar; after its formation, also to the Arbitral Tribunal; and in both cases also to all other parties.
25.4 各方当事人约定根据仲裁协议进行仲裁的,应被视为已经同意不向任何国家法院或其他法律机关申请对法律费用或仲裁费用提供担保作出命令。
25.4 By agreeing to arbitration under the Arbitration Agreement, the parties shall be taken to have agreed not to apply to any state court or other legal authority for any order for security for Legal Costs or Arbitration Costs.
第26条 仲裁裁决
Article 26 Award(s)
26.1 仲裁庭可以对不同问题在不同时间分别作出裁决,包括基于请求、反请求或交叉请求(包括第28条规定的法律和仲裁费用)的临时付款。此类裁决应与仲裁庭作出的任何其他裁决具有相同的法律地位。
26.1 The Arbitral Tribunal may make separate awards on different issues at different times, including interim payments on account of any claim, counterclaim or cross-claim(including Legal and Arbitration Costs under Article 28). Such awards shall have the same status as any other award made by the Arbitral Tribunal.
26.2 仲裁庭应当以书面方式作出裁决,并且,除非所有当事人另有书面约定,仲裁庭应当说明其裁决所依据的理由。裁决书同时应载明作出裁决的日期以及仲裁地;裁决书应当由仲裁庭或同意该裁决的仲裁庭成员签名。除非各方当事人另有约定,或仲裁庭或LCIA仲裁院另有指示,裁决可以电子方式签署,及/或以其他类似方式签署,并汇总为一份单独的法律文书。
26.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall make any award in writing and, unless all parties agree in writing otherwise, shall state the reasons upon which such award is based.The award shall also state the date when the award is made and the seat of the arbitration; and it shall be signed by the Arbitral Tribunal or those of its members assenting to it. Unless the parties agree otherwise, or the Arbitral Tribunal or LCIA Court directs otherwise, any award may be signed electronically and/or in counterparts and assembled into a single instrument.
26.3 裁决可以用任何货币作为计算单位,但各方当事人另有约定的除外。
26.3 An award may be expressed in any currency, unless the parties have agreed otherwise.
26.4 除非各方当事人另有约定,仲裁庭可以命令任何一方当事人就仲裁庭认为适当的但不迟于裁决执行完毕之日的任何期限,以仲裁庭认为适当的利率(不受任何国家法院或法律机关实行的利率的限制)支付裁决金额的单利或复利。
26.4 Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the Arbitral Tribunal may order that simple or compound interest shall be paid by any party on any sum awarded at such rates as the Arbitral Tribunal decides to be appropriate (without being bound by rates of interest practised by any state court or other legal authority) in respect of any period which the Arbitral Tribunal decides to be appropriate ending not later than the date upon which the award is complied with.
26.5 如果仲裁员人数不止一名而仲裁庭未能就任何问题达成一致,仲裁员应当以多数意见作出决定。未能对任何问题形成多数意见的,应当由首席仲裁员作出决定。
26.5 Where there is more than one arbitrator and the Arbitral Tribunal fails to agree on any issue, the arbitrators shall decide that issue by a majority. Failing a majority decision on any issue, the presiding arbitrator shall decide that issue.
26.6 如果任何仲裁员拒绝或未能在裁决书中签名,有多数仲裁员或(未能形成多数意见时)首席仲裁员的签字即足够,但多数仲裁员或首席仲裁员应在裁决书中说明其他仲裁员未签名的原因。
26.6 If any arbitrator refuses or fails to sign an award, the signatures of the majority or (failing a majority) of the presiding arbitrator shall be sufficient, provided that the reason for any omitted signature is stated in the award by the majority or by the presiding arbitrator.
26.7 独任仲裁员或首席仲裁员应负责将裁决书送达LCIA仲裁院,LCIA仲裁院在该裁决书由书记员认证为LCIA裁决书之后传送给各方当事人,但前提是所有仲裁费用已按照第24条和第28条之规定全部缴纳给了LCIA。此种传送可以以电子方式,及(若任何一方当事人要求或无法向一方当事人以电子方式传送的)以纸质形式传送。若电子形式与纸质形式之间存在差异,应以电子形式为准。
26.7 The sole or presiding arbitrator shall be responsible for delivering the award to the LCIA Court, which shall transmit to the parties the award authenticated by the Registrar as an LCIA award, provided that all Arbitration Costs have been paid in full to the LCIA in accordance with Articles 24 and 28. Such transmission may be made by any electronic means, and (if so requested by any party or if transmission by electronic means to a party is not possible) i npaper form. In the event of any disparity between electronic and paper forms,the electronic form shall prevail.
26.8 所有裁决(包括作出裁决的原因)均为终局,并对各方当事人具有约束力。各方当事人承诺立即且毫不拖延地执行任何裁决(只受第27条的规限);并且,各方当事人也不可撤销地放弃了其向任何国家法院或其他法律机关以任何形式提起上诉、请求再审或追索的权利,只要这种权利放弃不受任何适用法的禁止。
26.8 Every award (including reasons for such award) shall be final and binding on the parties. The parties undertake to carry out any award immediately and without any delay (subject only to Article 27); and the parties also waive irrevocably their right to any form of appeal, review or recourse to any state court or other legal authority, insofar as such waiver shall not be prohibited under any applicable law.
26.9 如果各方当事人就争议达成任何最终和解,仲裁庭可以按照各方当事人共同的书面要求,根据该和解协议制作裁决书(和解裁决书),但该裁决书必须明确声明此裁决书是根据各方当事人的共同要求作出的,并争得了双方的同意。和解裁决书无需包括理由,也无需包括有关仲裁费用或法律费用的决定。如果各方当事人未共同要求作出和解裁决书,但各方当事人向LCIA仲裁院书面确认已经达成最终和解的,应解散仲裁庭,并终止仲裁程序,但前提是各方当事人已按照第24条和第28条之规定支付了未缴纳的仲裁费用。
26.9 In the event of any final settlement of the parties' dispute, the Arbitral Tribunal may decide to make an award recording the settlement if the parties jointly so request in writing (a "Consent Award"), provided always that such Consent Award shall contain an express statement on its face that it is an award made at the parties' joint request and with their consent. A Consent Award need not contain reasons or a determination in relation to the Arbitration Costs or Legal Costs. If the parties do not jointly request a Consent Award, on written confirmation by the parties to the LCIA Court that a final settlement has been reached, the Arbitral Tribunal shall be discharged and the arbitration proceedings concluded by the LCIA Court, subject to payment by the parties of any outstanding Arbitration Costs in accordance with Articles 24 and 28.
第27条 补正裁决及附加裁决
Article 27 Correction of Award(s) and Additional Award(s)
27.1 在收到任何裁决书的28天内,一方当事人可以以书面方式通知书记员(并抄送给所有其他各方当事人),请求仲裁庭补正裁决书中的任何计算错误、笔误或印刷错误,任何歧义或任何类似性质的错误。如果仲裁庭经与各方当事人协商后认为该请求合理,应在收到该请求后28天内将其补正记录在裁决书的附录中。如果仲裁庭经与各方当事人协商后认为该请求不合理,仍可以就该请求作出一份裁决附录,包括与此有关的任何仲裁费用和法律费用。
27.1 Within 28 days of receipt of any award, a party may by written notice to the Registrar(copied to all other parties) request the Arbitral Tribunal to correct in the award any error in computation, any clerical or typographical error, any ambiguity or any mistake of a similar nature. If, after consulting the parties,the Arbitral Tribunal considers the request to be justified, it shall make the correction by recording it in an addendum to the award within 28 days of receipt of the request. If, after consulting the parties, the Arbitral Tribunal does not consider the request to be justified it may nevertheless issue an addendum to the award dealing with the request, including any Arbitration Costs and Legal Costs related thereto.
27.2 仲裁庭也可以在裁决作出后的28天内,经与各方当事人协商后,主动以裁决书附录的形式补正任何错误(包括任何计算错误、笔误或印刷错误,任何歧义或任何类似性质的错误)。
27.2 The Arbitral Tribunal may also correct any error (including any error in computation, any clerical or typographical error, any ambiguity or any mistake of a similar nature) upon its own initiative in the form of an addendum to the award within 28 days of the date of the award, after consulting the parties.
27.3 一方当事人可以在收到终局裁决后的28天内,以书面方式通知书记员(并抄送所有其他当事人),请求仲裁庭就任何在仲裁中提出但未在任何裁决书中决定的请求、反请求或交叉请求作出附加裁决。如果仲裁庭经与各方当事人协商后认为该请求合理,应在收到该请求后56天内作出附加裁决。如果仲裁庭经与各方当事人协商后认为该请求不合理,仍可以就该请求作出一份裁决附录,包括与此有关的任何仲裁费用和法律费用。
27.3 Within 28 days of receipt of the final award, a party may by written notice to the Registrar (copied to all other parties), request the Arbitral Tribunal to make an additional award as to any claim, counterclaim or cross-claim presented in the arbitration but not decided in any award. If, after consulting the parties,the Arbitral Tribunal considers the request to be justified, it shall make the additional award within 56 days of receipt of the request. If, after consulting the parties, the Arbitral Tribunal does not consider the request to be justified it may nevertheless issue an addendum to the award dealing with the request, including any Arbitration Costs and Legal Costs related thereto.
27.4 对于在仲裁中提出但未在任何裁决书中决定的任何请求,反请求或交叉请求,仲裁庭也可以在裁决作出后的28天内,经与各方当事人协商后主动作出附加裁决。
27.4 As to any claim, counterclaim or cross-claim presented in the arbitration but not decided in any award, the Arbitral Tribunal may also make an additional award upon its own initiative within 28 days of the date of the award, after consulting the parties.
27.5 第26.2-26.7条之规定应适用于根据本规则作出的任何裁决书附录或附加裁决书。裁决书附录应被视为裁决书的一部分。
27.5 The provisions of Article 26.2 to 26.7 shall apply to any addendum to an award or additional award made hereunder. An addendum to an award shall be treated as part of the award.
第28条 仲裁费用和法律费用
Article 28 Arbitration Costs and Legal Costs
28.1 The costs of the arbitration other than the legal or other expenses incurred by the parties themselves (the “Arbitration Costs”) shall be determined by the LCIA Court in accordance with the Schedule of Costs. The parties shall be jointly and severally liable to the LCIA and the Arbitral Tribunal for such Arbitration Costs.
28.2 仲裁庭应以命令或裁决的形式列明LCIA仲裁院所确定的仲裁费用总额。在各方当事人关于该等费用责任的争议未得到最终解决的情况下,应由仲裁庭决定当事人须承担的仲裁费用比例。如果仲裁庭决定一方当事人应承担全部或部分的仲裁费用,而另一方当事人根据第24条之规定已向LCIA支付了上述仲裁费用,则后者有权向前者追偿相应的仲裁费用。
28.2 The Arbitral Tribunal shall specify by an order or award the amount of the Arbitration Costs determined by the LCIA Court. The Arbitral Tribunal shall decide the proportions in which the parties shall bear such Arbitration Costs (in the absence of a final settlement of the parties’ dispute regarding liability for such costs). If the Arbitral Tribunal has decided that all or any part of the Arbitration Costs shall be borne by a party other than a party which has already covered such costs by way of a payment to the LCIA under Article 24,the latter party shall have the right to recover the appropriate amount of Arbitration Costs from the former party.
28.3 仲裁庭亦有权命令或裁定一方当事人产生的全部或部分法律或其他费用(下称“法律费用”)由另一方当事人承担。仲裁庭应在其认为适当合理的基础上厘定此等法律费用的金额。不得要求仲裁庭适用任何国家法院或其他法律机关为评估此等法律费用所采用的费率和程序。
28.3 The Arbitral Tribunal shall also have the power to decide by an order or award that all or part of the legal or other expenses incurred by a party (the “Legal Costs”) be paid by another party. The Arbitral Tribunal shall decide the amount of such Legal Costs on such reasonable basis as it thinks appropriate. The Arbitral Tribunal shall not be required to apply the rates or procedures for assessing such costs practised by any state court or other legal authority.
28.4 仲裁庭应根据以下一般原则对仲裁费用和法律费用作出决定:各方当事人所支付的费用应反映其在裁决中或仲裁中或其他不同争议中的胜诉或败诉情况,但仲裁庭根据仲裁协议或其他约定认为上述一般原则在某些情况下不适用的除外。仲裁庭也可以参考当事人及其授权代表在仲裁过程中的表现,包括为推进程序而在时间和费用方面进行的配合行为,以及造成不当延迟和不必要费用的不配合行为。仲裁庭对费用作出的任何决定均应在载有该决定的命令或裁决书中陈述理由(和解裁决书除外)。
28.4 The Arbitral Tribunal shall make its decisions on both Arbitration Costs and Legal Costs on the general principle that costs should reflect the parties' relative success and failure in the award or arbitration or under different issues,except where it appears to the Arbitral Tribunal that in the circumstances the application of such a general principle would be inappropriate under the Arbitration Agreement or otherwise. The Arbitral Tribunal may also take into account the conduct of the parties and that of their authorised representatives in the arbitration, including any cooperation in facilitating the proceedings as to time and cost and any non-cooperation resulting in undue delay and unnecessary expense. Any decision on costs by the Arbitral Tribunal shall be made with reasons in the order or award containing such decision (unless it is a Consent Award).
28.5 Inthe event that the parties have howsoever agreed before their dispute that oneor more parties shall pay the whole or any part of the Arbitration Costs orLegal Costs whatever the result of any dispute, arbitration or award, suchagreement (in order to be effective) shall be confirmed by the parties inwriting after the Commencement Date.
28.6 在最终裁决作出之前,如果各方当事人根据协议或以其他方式放弃、中止、撤回或终结仲裁,那么仍应就LCIA仲裁院所决定的仲裁费用向LCIA和仲裁庭承担连带责任。
28.6 If the arbitration is abandoned, suspended, withdrawn or concluded, by agreement or otherwise, before the final award is made, the parties shall remain jointly and severally liable to pay to the LCIA and the Arbitral Tribunal the Arbitration Costs determined by the LCIA Court.
第29条 LCIA 仲裁院的决定
Article 29 Determinations and Decisions by LCIA Court
29.1 除LCIA仲裁院另有指示,LCIA仲裁院就仲裁有关的一切事项所作出的决定具有终局性,对各方当事人和仲裁庭具有约束力。除根据第10条就仲裁异议作出的说理决定外,此类决定在性质上应被视为具有行政性;LCIA仲裁院无需就任何此类决定说明理由。
29.1 The determinations of the LCIA Court with respect to all matters relating to the arbitration shall be conclusive and binding upon the parties and the Arbitral Tribunal, unless otherwise directed by the LCIA Court. Save for reasoned decisions on arbitral challenges under Article 10, such determinations are to be treated as administrative in nature; and the LCIA Court shall not be required to give reasons for any such determination.
29.2 To the extent permitted by any applicable law, the parties shall be taken to have waived any right of appeal or review in respect of any determination and decision of the LCIA Court to any state court or other legal authority. If such appeal or review takes place due to mandatory provisions of any applicable law or otherwise, the LCIA Court may determine whether or not the arbitration should continue, notwithstanding such appeal or review.
第30条 保密
Article 30 Confidentiality
30.1保密作为一项一般原则,除非为了保护或追索合法权利,或为了在国家法院或其他法律机关的法律程序中执行裁决或对裁决提出异议,法律职责要求当事人进行披露, 各方当事人承诺对仲裁过程中的所有裁决,基于仲裁目的在仲裁过程中产生的一切材料,以及另一方当事人在仲裁程序中出示的而非在公共领域的其他所有材料予以保密。各方当事人应当向所有参与仲裁的人员寻求相同的保密承诺,包括但不限于任何授权代表、事实证人、专家或服务提供者。
30.1 The parties undertake as a general principle to keep confidential all awards in the arbitration, together with all materials in the arbitration created for the purpose of the arbitration and all other documents produced by another party in the proceedings not otherwise in the public domain, save and to the extent that disclosure may be required of a party by legal duty, to protect or pursue alegal right, or to enforce or challenge an award in legal proceedings before a state court or other legal authority. The parties shall seek the same undertaking of confidentiality from all those that it involves in the arbitration, including but not limited to any authorised representative,witness of fact, expert or service provider.
30.2 经必要修改,LCIA规则的第30.1条同样适用于仲裁庭、仲裁庭秘书以及仲裁庭的专家。不论LCIA规则是否另有规定,仲裁庭成员以及仲裁庭秘书(在适当情形下)应对仲裁庭的审议过程保密,但任何适用法律另有规定的除外,以及根据第10条、第12条、第26.6条和第27.5条之规定,要求其他仲裁庭成员披露某位仲裁员拒绝参与仲裁程序之事宜的除外。
30.2 Article 30.1 of the LCIA Rules shall also apply, with necessary changes, to the Arbitral Tribunal, any tribunal secretary and any expert to the Arbitral Tribunal. Notwithstanding any other provision of the LCIA Rules, the deliberations of the Arbitral Tribunal shall remain confidential to its members and if appropriate any tribunal secretary, save as required by any applicable law and to the extent that disclosure of an arbitrator's refusal to participate in the arbitration is required of the other members of the Arbitral Tribunal under Articles 10, 12, 26.6 and 27.5.
30.3 The LCIA does not publish any award or any part of an award without the priorwritten consent of all parties and the Arbitral Tribunal.
第30A条 数据保护
Article 30A Data Protection
30.4 LCIA对个人数据的任何处理都应符合适用的数据保护立法的规定,LCIA官方网站已发布LCIA的数据保护通知。
30.4 Any processing of personal data by the LCIA is subject to applicable data protection legislation, and the LCIA’s data protection notice can befound on the LCIA website.
30.5 In accordance with its duties under Article 14.1, at an early stage of the arbitration the Arbitral Tribunal shall, in consultation with the parties and where appropriate the LCIA, consider whether it is appropriate to adopt:
(i) any specific information security measures to protect the physical and electronic information shared in the arbitration; and
(ii) any means to address the processing of personal data produced or exchanged in the arbitration in light of applicable data protection or equivalent legislation.
30.6 The LCIA and the Arbitral Tribunal may issue directions addressing information security or data protection, which shall be binding on the parties, and in the case of those issued by the LCIA, also on the members of the Arbitral Tribunal,subject to the mandatory provisions of any applicable law or rules of law.
第31条 责任和管辖权限制条款
Article 31 Limitation of Liability and JurisdictionClause
31.1 LCIA(包括其高级职员、成员和雇员)、LCIA仲裁院(包括其主席、副主席、名誉副主席、前副主席和各个成员)、LCIA董事会(包括任何董事会成员)、书记员(包括任何副书记员)、任何仲裁员、任何紧急仲裁员、任何仲裁庭秘书和任何仲裁庭的专家不应就与仲裁有关的任何作为或不作为而向任何一方当事人承担责任,除非(i)一方当事人证明该作为或不作为是对该方负有责任的机构或个人有意识的和故意进行的不法行为;或者(ii)本条款的任何部分为任何适用法律所禁止。
31.1 None of the LCIA (including its officers, members and employees), the LCIA Court(including its President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents, former Vice Presidents and members), the LCIA Board (including any board member), the Registrar (including any deputy Registrar), any arbitrator, any Emergency Arbitrator, any tribunal secretary and any expert to the Arbitral Tribunal shall be liable to any party howsoever for any act or omission in connection with any arbitration, save: (i) where the act or omission is shown by that party to constitute conscious and deliberate wrongdoing committed by the body or person alleged to be liable to that party; or (ii) to the extent that any part of this provision is shown to be prohibited by any applicable law.
31.2 在裁决作出后,且根据第27条作出裁决书附录或附加裁决的一切可能性已经丧失或用尽,LCIA(包括其高级职员、成员和雇员)、LCIA仲裁院(包括其主席、副主席、名誉副主席、前副主席和各个成员)、LCIA董事会(包括任何董事会成员)、书记员(包括任何副书记员)、任何仲裁员、任何紧急仲裁员、任何仲裁庭秘书和任何仲裁庭的专家没有任何法定义务就与仲裁相关的任何事项向任何人作任何说明;任何一方当事人不得试图将上述任何机构或个人在该仲裁引起的任何法律程序或其他程序中作为证人。
31.2 After the award has been made and all possibilities of any addendum to the award or additional award under Article 27 have lapsed or been exhausted, none of the LCIA (including its officers, members and employees), the LCIA Court (including its President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents, former Vice Presidents and members), the LCIA Board (including any board member), the Registrar (including any deputy Registrar), any arbitrator, any Emergency Arbitrator, any tribunal secretary and any expert to the Arbitral Tribunal shall be under any legal obligation to make any statement to any person about any matter concerning the arbitration; nor shall any party seek to make any of these bodies or persons a witness in any legal or other proceedings arising out of the arbitration.
31.3 同意按照或依据LCIA规则进行仲裁的任何一方当事人不可撤销地同意英格兰和威尔士法院有权受理该方当事人与LCIA(包括其高级职员、成员和雇员)、LCIA仲裁院(包括其主席、副主席、名誉副主席、前副主席和各个成员)、LCIA董事会(包括任何董事会成员)、书记员(包括任何副书记员)、任何仲裁员、任何紧急仲裁员、任何仲裁庭秘书和/或任何仲裁庭的专家之间的由该仲裁引起的或与该仲裁有关的任何普通法诉讼、衡平法诉讼或法律程序;为此,各方当事人不可撤销地服从英格兰和威尔士法院的管辖。
31.3 Any party agreeing to arbitration under or in accordance with the LCIA Rules irrevocably agrees that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide any action, suit or proceedings between that party and the LCIA (including its officers, members and employees), the LCIA Court (including its President, Vice Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents,former Vice Presidents and members), the LCIA Board (including any board member), the Registrar (including any deputy Registrar) any arbitrator, any Emergency Arbitrator, any tribunal secretary and/or any expert to the Arbitral Tribunal which may arise out of or in connection with any such arbitration and,for these purposes, each party irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
第32条 一般规则
Article 32 General Rules
32.1 A party who knows that any provision of the Arbitration Agreement has not been complied with and yet proceeds with the arbitration without promptly stating its objection as to such noncompliance to the Registrar (before the formation of the Arbitral Tribunal) or the Arbitral Tribunal (after its formation), shall be treated as having irrevocably waived its right to object for all purposes.
32.2 就仲裁协议中未明确约定的一切事项,LCIA、LCIA仲裁院、书记员、仲裁庭、任何仲裁庭秘书和各方当事人应始终秉持诚实信用原则,尊重仲裁协议的精神,并应尽一切合理努力确保任何裁决在仲裁地得到法律上的承认与执行。
32.2 For all matters not expressly provided in the Arbitration Agreement, the LCIA, the LCIA Court, the Registrar, the Arbitral Tribunal, any tribunal secretary and each of the parties shall act at all times in good faith, respecting the spirit of the Arbitration Agreement, and shall make every reasonable effort to ensure that any award is legally recognised and enforceable at the arbitral seat.
32.3 如果仲裁庭、紧急仲裁员,或有管辖权的法院或其他法律机关认定仲裁协议的任何部分无效、失效或不可强制执行,则此种决定本身不得对仲裁庭或紧急仲裁员作出的任何命令或裁决,或仲裁协议的其他任何部分造成不利影响,仲裁协议的其他任何部分仍应具有完全效力,除非受到任何适用法律的禁止。
32.3 If and to the extent that any part of the Arbitration Agreement is decided by the Arbitral Tribunal, the Emergency Arbitrator, or any court or other legal authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, ineffective or unenforceable, such decision shall not, of itself, adversely affect any order or award by the Arbitral Tribunal or the Emergency Arbitrator or any other part of the Arbitration Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect,unless prohibited by any applicable law.
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